

betac - win




why would you say that about Rebecca Pisani Stormy



superior garlic mints 25.58% / limo 8.8 lino 1.7 betaC 1.6

superior garlic mints 25.58% / limo 8.8 lino 1.7 betaC 1.6 submitted by velvenhavi to vegastrees [link] [comments]

Well Well Well

Well Well Well submitted by Walorani to Stellaris [link] [comments]

18th Century French Phonology: a question about /b/ and /f/

I'm doing some family research about ancestors from France and Quebec who came to Louisiana, and one line has the name Faucheux, which in early records is spelled variously as Fauché, Foché, Foucheux, Faucher, Foucher, etc.
However, there are two individuals who appear to be part of this family (they're certainly involved in the network of godparents and marriage witnesses and stuff), but the name is spelled Bauche or Bauché/Bauchez, at least in the earlier records. In later records this person's name is spelled Foche or Foucheux.
My question is – if this is indeed the same family, what might account for this variation? I'm used to the /b/ ~ /v/ thing in Romance languages, especially Iberian, but /b/ ~ /f/ seems like an odd one, since the two sounds aren't really that similar, and as far as I know French and all the Gallic dialects have always clearly distinguished them.
Could this have been some kind of regional dialectal thing? The family appears to derive from Picardy, but there are also connections to Normandy and Brittany. Nothing I've read about the phonology of these dialects or languages explains why this would happen.
I also suspected that it might be an orthography issue, the fault of whoever transcribed the original records. But I've examined images the actual documents from the 18th century, and the and characters are clearly distinct (it appears the scribes of this era often wrote in lower-case only). This tells me that whoever wrote these names in the records must have clearly heard a /b/, not an /f/.
(NOTE: The Spanish did not control Louisiana until the 1760s, and the records in question are from the 1730s-50s)
submitted by Quecksilber3 to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

F1K betaC getting Cucked | /u/Killercut555

F1K betaC getting Cucked | Killercut555 submitted by Bot_Highlights to rusthighlights [link] [comments]

H3VR Dual Wield M4A1 with Lefthook and BetaC Mag FullAuto (Loud!!!!)

H3VR Dual Wield M4A1 with Lefthook and BetaC Mag FullAuto (Loud!!!!) submitted by Twitch-VRJosh to H3VR [link] [comments]

"The Crisis of Betac Burn" by Zhuangyue Xiao

submitted by One_Giant_Nostril to ImaginaryMonsters [link] [comments]

The Martian by Andy Weir

Released 2011
Rating by me: 8.5/10
Andy Weir, this guy has done a great job and has put together a book that is not only realistic to extreme lengths but is funny as hell. It has an apocalyptic vibe which for some reason is not scary at all (well, except sometimes).
The story revolves around Mark Watney, an Astronaut who is deserted on Mars. Yes, the planet. With nothing but an exceptional sense of humor, a mediocre understanding of botany (eh, Plant Science), and a bountiful of bad luck, he challenges the odds of his survival.
The science in this book is real, not that I am encouraging you to try working with Hydrazine (Highly Flammable, Mom will shout at you), but it makes you think you're smart and are capable of being a scientist. The story is quite gripping and funny even though the entire burden of keeping you stuck to the book is held by only one character.
The book has a lot of swear words, but I don't blame Mark, he is stuck on Mars so cut him some slack. It never goes down the drain like many books of a similar apocalyptical genre would do, where the protagonist loses the determination to fight off the negative element. While you read the story, you will feel as if you are there alongside Mark, and last I checked, everyone needs a getaway from their crazy lives. And Mars isn't all that bad, except for the poor oxygen and water supply.
Let this be it. Getaway to Mars. Aboard 'Hermes'.
Till Next Time. Goodbye You Lovely Readers.
Instagram Page: @betac_ritic
Reviewed by @lalji_ka_ladka
submitted by vjain9768 to books [link] [comments]

What are the biggest differences between croatian and serbian language/accent?

submitted by darACAB to croatia [link] [comments]

She will break you if you let her.

She will break you if you let her.
You see, my uncle was always a strong guy. I remember growing up, he used to lift me and my cousins up, 2 on his back and one in each arm with zero effort.

But as he and I grow older, and I matured as a man – I could tell that he was broken. He went through relation after relationship time after time until he was a shell of the man I once knew him to be.
The problem was, he and many other men born in his time were in a grey area where there was a transition on the actions, thoughts and attitudes of women. It was a change from staunch conservativism to a free, and equal society where feminism was taking a foothold where many women got their freedom through the condom and the birth control pill. Now, after a statement like the former, I must say this, I am not anti-feminist nor do I hate or dislike women. In fact, by definition, if you want the health and good welfare of women then by definition you are a feminist. As with my uncle, times are changing for me, my cousins, my brother and friends as well. When you are in the public eye, you have to clarify matters in a very low context society such as North America.
If he was only born 20, 15, or even 10 years earlier, then he would be in a time where studies have shown more women were staying in and wanting committed relationships. Plus, the sense of less options for women and the thoughts of absconding and going out alone into the world was out of the question for many females. Now, I am not saying that less options are good or bad choice for women, but I am reflecting on the understanding of what once was held to be acceptable.
My uncle was stuck, he was in the grey area – the middle – where there was a transition of values and focus. With his old school mindset in a new school world, he got swallowed and destroyed.
It first started with the love of his life. She ran him over the coals. He started as an alpha male but was slowly chipped away at by the woman in his life until he got betacized. How did it happen? Well, remember, a woman’s primary unwritten role in your relationship will be to attempt to turn you into a Beta by constantly chipping away at your masculine frame. As I have said before, thrive in the idea that she will chip away at you and turn it from a negative to a positive. You will have the advantage since you already know it is bound to happen, thus you can prepare for it. And a man that is prepared will be able to flourish in any environment and get more love and attention from his partner.
Her secondary unwritten relationship role to break you through your weaknesses and it is your role as a man to see through this attempt and keep frame. As a man, you should prepare for this as well – personally, I hate surprises in my work life and relationships. Thus, I am a man that comes prepared and can engage well, especially in relationships. Why? Because I know what is coming and can see it a mile away. So I am never caught off-guard plus I can interact well in any relationship dynamic, whether it is work, school, family or romance.
Back to my uncle – now don’t get me wrong, my uncle was and still is a great guy but being a great guy isn’t a shield against power dynamics in a relationship. Like I said, he was caught in between two irreconcilable schools of thought, and he was an old school kind of guy. You could always tell by a man’s eye whether or not he is being broken and my uncle’s eyes told a thousand tales.
It is a fact that not all marriages will work out for various reasons. These include sex becoming (almost) non-existent, finances crippling relationships, desires for attention outweighing the desire to be loved, social media interfering with your intimate relationships and social media keeping partners disconnected from the real world.
Now, once again, I don’t hate women, nor do I dislike women – I understand women. And this is the knowledge I am trying to impart to you, my brothers.
A marriage can make or break you. If you find yourself in a great marriage then congratulations, you are now one of a few people that can actually say such a thing and on the flip side, a bad marriage is a never-ending nightmare for many. Thus, it is best to lower the chances of a marriage failing by really getting to know someone, look out for red flags, including signs of a transactional relationship and cohabitating to test if a marriage can actually work. I wholeheartedly agree on the point of cohabitation as a testing ground for marriage. And it seems, so does a lot of other people.
One of the main problems he had was that he was too nice. Now, you can be nice but not TOO NICE. Instead of saying, we will do movies on Friday then go for a walk Saturday morning, he would say, “What do you want to do on the weekend?” The problem is this, it is okay to ask this sort of question once the relationship is established and if the question isn’t asked too much but if you do this at the beginning of any relationship, then you are setting the tone of the relationship.
In relationships, there is a constant power dynamic shift. Many men fail to realize this and that is why they fail to maintain their relationships. You have heard me say, maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses and in the case of my uncle, his weaknesses were being maximized and exploited. As Heartiste as said,
In the betterment of ourselves as men we attract women into our orbit. To accomplish this gravitational pull as painlessly and efficiently as possible, you must identify your natural talents and shortcomings and parcel your efforts accordingly. If you are a gifted jokester, don’t waste time and energy trying to raise your status in philosophical debate. If you write well but dance poorly, don’t kill yourself trying to expand your manly influence on the dancefloor. Your goal should be to attract women effortlessly, so play to your strengths no matter what they are; there is a groupie for every male endeavor.
He further doubled down by being afraid to lose her. My uncle also made the mistake of doubling down instead of halving. He needed to have exuded a confidence and laid back attitude where “what happens, happens.” Thus, he succumbed to the whims of the women in his life and they slowly destroyed him. He became a shell of the man he once was and these women then exited the relationship in the search for another Alpha male to destroy if he fails to maintain his frame. My uncle did many things but what he didn’t do was get the right woman to partner with relationships and matching for marriage is a very important step in life. You match with the wrong person and it is game over. But, if you match with the right woman then your life can be the best it has ever been.
He didn’t ignore her beauty. This is a popular downfall for men. Be a man that knows to ignore a woman’s beauty and focus on the value she brings to your life. Remember, a woman’s beauty will fade so focus on how she can compliment your life. You should get into relationships to bring a positive effect on your life, not a negative one. Too many men go down the wrong paths because they are too obsessed with beauty to the point that they are caught off guard in life. Don’t become powerless under the spell of beauty. Only give compliments when it is earned and deserved, not as a tool to get a woman to notice you. A man that doles out compliments without reason is a fool because he is just showing how weak he truly is by focusing on beauty instead of value.
He further didn’t maintain frame control because he mostly didn’t ignore her beauty. Now, there is nothing wrong with not ignoring her beauty and not maintaining frame control… if you lived in the 1940s. Those are two consecutive life sentences in “relationship court” if you fail at this in present day times.

HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF HOW TIMES CHANGE: https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhhtxIQuaA05rY7Y7u

WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN A RELATIONSHIP. In a real loving relationship, both partners trust, love and RESPECT each other. Cheating, lying have become normalized in society and even more so in modern day relationships. This is because there is no respect.
In any relationship, you should never feel like you need to sell yourself or pay for someone’s time. That is more of a transactional relationship than anything. Seek true validating relationships and you will never go wrong. You need to meet your partner’s emotional needs and they should meet yours as well.
Validating relationships. When you are in a validating relationship, you are heard and understood. These relationships can have joy and excitement, make people open and vulnerable in a good way, as well as have the power to calm their fears and concerns. These relationships are just not romantic but can display themselves in the professional arena as well as in family relationships and dynamics.
How to Validate. Validating relationships are the best types of relationships. These relationships typically have each partner doing two main things: identifying what emotion the other partner is feeling as well as offering or adding justification for feeling that emotion. In other words, communicate effectively and have empathy as the part of the foundation of your relationship.
For example, your partner has had a long day so they confide in you what has happened to them:
She was yelled at by a customer at her workplace because she was taking too long to get an item, then she comes back and tells the customer they have none in stock. The customer already spoke with someone on the phone and they verified that the product was in stock. But it seems inventory is always a bit off so she gets yelled at since that customer drove a long way.
How should you reply? Remember, empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. So, it might be tempting to jump in with a bit of advice or assurance but research as shown that validating first is the better decision before offering any type of advice (at first) – this is often the best way to help.
Reply like this: “I’m so sorry that happened to you. Being yelled at is awful. Take some time if you need it.”
First, identify the emotion your partner is feeling then offer justification for feeling that emotion. Next, hold off on advice as the first thing you do and show her that you hear and understand where she is coming from. Then, demonstrate respect and appreciation in a way that will instantly strengthen your connection. This might sound like non-sense, simple or easy but it works wonders in building a relationship.
Validating Responses. There are countless ways to validate in a relationship – as long as you show the other person that you recognize and accept their emotions, you’re validating.
Such as:
“Yup, that would be a very sad situation for me too.”
“You have every right to celebrate; that was a major achievement!”
“She is really getting aggressive. I’d be angry too!”
“I’m so happy for you. You’ve worked extremely hard on that project. It must feel amazing to finally close the deal.”
Each of these responses mentions a specific emotion and shows some justification for or acceptance of it – this shows you not only feel what she is or was going through, but you understand her.
Also, remember that you can understand her but you must also keep frame, don’t get swept up in her emotional state (and break frame). You can understand and be empathic towards her but remember that you cannot invite low vibrational energy into your life. Don’t let her get you into an emotional vice-grip – maintain your manly frame and energy.
Invalidating Responses. Invalidating responses can often be born out of good intentions. These are responses that minimizes or dismisses her feelings such as:
“You know, it can be worse.”
“Suck it up, buttercup.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“Stop acting like a child and be an adult.”
“Don’t worry; things will work out.”
“It’s not that big of a deal.”
These types of responses weaken your romantic relationships and can make many situations worse. They suggest that the other person is being irrational and/or should not feel the way they are feeling. This is the exact opposite of how they’re hoping to feel by speaking or confiding with you. Learn to catch these responses and change them into validating ones, and you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes.

The bottom line. A validating relationship is a must if you want your romantic endeavours to survive and prosper. You need to be empathetic and so does your partner as well as know how to communicate effectively. At the core of humanity, it’s about connection. We are social creatures. So, when you get the chance to make an impact on someone’s life, go deep with them. Ask questions. Encourage them. Give them your undivided attention. Actively listen.
Your understanding of the person sitting/standing across from you speaks volumes when they get around to telling someone else about you, whether indirectly or during an introduction.
Who knows? You may change the world one person at a time starting with your own romantic endeavours.
Just don’t be a good guy like my uncle that was caught up between having old school values in a new school world and just not knowing what to do.
submitted by bosslessmindset to longtermDATING [link] [comments]

The Alpha widow and over-coming drama in relationships.

The Alpha widow and over-coming drama in relationships.
The alpha widow is the woman that is widowed due to her past relationship. She was with an Alpha male or what she views as an Alpha male and will judge every man before and after by this standard.

The instant you approach this alpha widow you will be judged. She will instantly compare any and all men to the standard that was the alpha man in her life.
Women like this are hard to please and have an over-inflated sense of self. How she views the world is not realistic. She wants to date the top 5% of men and feels the latter 95% are beneath her.
The Alpha that was in her life has given her a skewed view of the world. He was the type of man that knew how to interact well with a woman. He knows what to say and how to say it. He knew when to say it and where to say. He even knew why he was saying it.
This man knew that women want to feel like they have to do work and overcome obstacles to truly win a man. For a man with options is a man without need and women crave a challenge to capture the interest of a man from another woman’s competition. He knew that a man that is too tunnel visioned on a woman and gives his emotions to a woman too easily will be replaced with haste since a woman will find satisfaction in earning affection rather than getting it so easily. Let her earn and yearn for your fulfillment.
Women want men whom other women want to be with and procreate with – social proof. It is essential to understand that no woman wants a man that no other woman wants. Women don’t care about your struggle(s), they will metaphorically wait at the finish line for all the successful men in life to show up and choose from the winners. Furthermore, resources, protection and attention keeps women engaged and this alpha man knew this. He knew to flirt with other women in front of her as this shows his social proof and is his social validation of value. He knew that jealousy, when played well can excite and entice any woman.
He knew how to be on his purpose and be a man of abundance that is set to a mission in life. For one of the worst things any man can do is abandon and forget his life goals in the quest and thrall of a woman.
He knew that any man that is set on proclaiming his undying love for a woman is a man whose relationship lifespan is dwindling. For most women will never tell you this but they do not want to be that one woman in your life unless they are the arbiter to that decision. Women will want to work for a man’s desire and subordinate themselves to his goals and purpose in life but seemingly only by their choice and decision. Furthermore, catching one-itis in a relationship is a death sentence. He knows not to get tunnel vision and he has options that will make him cool, calm, collected and a man with an abundance mindset.
This was why this man was viewed as an alpha and this is what she still yearns for as the alpha widow.

Do you want to know if your woman sees you as an alpha? A woman will see you as an alpha if she has genuine burning desire for you. If you truly want this then ‘spin plates’ and let the cream rise to the top.
The alpha widow is set in her mindset of men. The only way you will be able to compare is if you are incredibly good looking (model looks), a baby or a cute kitten or puppy. I kid.
But, she has a dogged interest in discovering the weaknesses of men and exploiting that weakness to your detriment. Her ability to pair-bond may effectively is gone due to her multiple interactions and rendezvous with various men through-out her life. And this is an ever-increasing problem the more relationships she gets committed in that dissolve.
The alpha widow will test you, from the moment she lays eyes on you – she will test you in comparison to the alpha man that was.

As Heartiste has put it, there is a golden ratio. This ratio is to re-enforce the idea of not being over-bearing and to create boundaries.
“Give your woman 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts; two nights out. Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more.”
You need to establish greater value for yourself, as well as show your laid-back attitude and indifference to her emotional states. Don’t get swept up into her emotional storm – stay firm and in frame. This is what many men fail to do and it is at this point that they spiral into betacization. You will be turned into a beta slowly and surely if YOU DO NOT KEEP FRAME.
Many men fail to keep their women guessing. They fail to keep her up and down on an emotional rollercoaster and that is why SHE GETS OFF THE RIDE. Women will ask questions they don’t want answers to, and say things she does not mean or want. If she knows exactly what you are thinking then you do not excite her, if she has to keep guessing what comes next then that is thrilling and she will crave more. A woman will want security in all ways except for passion. Furthermore, punish her swiftly and reward her slowly. This unpredictability will keep her on her toes and wanting to please you.
Many men fall into a comfortable role once the honeymoon phase of their relationship is over. This is one of the first cuts in the death of the relationship. Being set and comfortable in a role supplies predictability and predictability is a bad thing in any romantic relationship. Thus, additional betacization occurs.
Furthermore, these men have allowed themselves to be “kept” by being in a serious and committed relationship with a woman. These men do not have options they can fall back to and thus, the women in their lives know this and will take full advantage. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to cheat, I mean that you can leave the relationship and immediately find a great partner without issue if you do choose. Sometimes these options will be women that will orbit you because they find you to be taken yet a good catch. That is what having options truly means.
An alpha male strives for perfection yet he will never reach it. Perfection is a practice that is life long. In a relationship, strive to keep your woman happy by having her keep you happy first and foremost. Sometimes mistakes can happen and you may lose frame. It is okay to say sorry when wrong but constantly saying sorry will be constant reminders to her of your submission and thus another cut and concession is made.
Be a man and connect with your girl’s emotions. But, don’t simmer in them. BE IN YOUR OWN FRAME. This is important, you do not want to “be in your feelings” and get down to her emotional level. This will end in shouting matches at best and a man in a shouting match with a woman is out of frame and perspective and is by definition weak, even if it is only in that instant. If you get into a low vibrational frame then you will introduce negativity in your life and yet another cut and concession is made.
Do this instead – connect with your woman’s emotional landscape but in an understanding and empathetic level. It is good to understand and bond with her but not seethe in her feelings. Ask her questions about work in a general sense, if she is upset then console and cure her. If she is happy then relish in it. She will enjoy this and this will strengthen your bonds with her.
Be a man that knows to ignore a woman’s beauty and focus on the value she brings to your life. Remember, this woman’s beauty is perishable – it fades. Too many men go down the wrong paths because they are overtly obsessed with beauty to the point that they are blindsided by it. Don’t become powerless under the spell of beauty. Only give compliments when it is earned and deserved, not as a placeholder for courtship. A man that doles out compliments is a fool because he is just showing how weak he truly is and in turn he will give up another concession and become further betacized.
A man must maximize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. In life, I work on what I am good at and so should you. If you want to be at the apex of anything then you need to be the best at it. The pursuit of a purpose is what drives the attraction of many women to us men – it is like a gravitational pull. It is imperative you identify your strengths as well as your shortcomings. If you are a talented coder then speak on the subject in conversation if physicality is not your best suit. If you are talented at cooking then cook instead of raising awareness to your poor conversation skills. The idea here is to play to your strengths – whatever they are.
One of the easiest concessions many men can avoid but often make is to not please their woman. You need to make love to her each and every night as if it is your last. Make her feel good emotionally and physically through passionate love making. Too many men fall into a mundane lifestyle of not putting their all into their love making. I was never one to do this because I knew the importance of intimacy and what it does to a relationship – it can make or break you. If you do not do this then you will be left or cheated on or cucked or just Beta’d.

Have you ever heard of a “death by 1000 cuts”? It’s a Chinese torture technique that is slow and painful. It is the equivalent of what a woman can and will do to your manhood over time if you let her. Except you won’t die, only your soul and manhood will. This is exactly what has happened to countless numbers of man over thousands of years.
If you have been beta’d then you have failed to have mastery over yourself. I see too many men that have been Beta’d because they bend the knee to a woman and although she feigns that she is okay with you doing everything she askes of you – the reality is, she despises you for it and will soon depart with haste. Thus. if you allow the woman/women in your life to make the rules then she will scorn you for it. She may never say it, or show it but deep down she will. Remember, women break rules for Alpha men and make MORE rules for the Betas in their lives.
You have been beta’d if you have lost your masculine frame and thus, your frame control is gone. This is where you have left your frame and entered her frame and have met any and all of her demands. You must play by your own rules as a man. For as soon as you abandon your rules, you are in the beta box – and this is what happens to most men.
A woman’s primary unwritten role in your relationship will be to attempt to turn you into a Beta by constantly chipping away at your masculine frame. It is up to you as a man to endure it and in fact, THRIVE IN IT. Once she sees that you may bend but never break, she will admire you even more.
Furthermore, it is her secondary unwritten relationship role to break you through your weaknesses. And it is your role as a man to see through this attempt and keep frame. She will attempt to walk all over you even though she wants you to stop her, she will attempt to give you ultimatums when in reality she wants them from you, she will be unpredictable in her moods but as long as you are steadfast she will know that she is in the gaze of a powerful man. Not power so much as in social standing, resources or monetary gains but powerful in being bowed but never broken.
Most men fail to maintain frame – all the crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, being hot and cold or cold then hot, disappearing acts, and guilt trips take a toll and they get off-centre. If you do this then you are playing to your weaknesses and not your strengths. Don’t let her get you into an emotional vice-grip – maintain your manly frame and energy.
Furthermore, cautious men sometimes never get the girl, so be as bold as the early bird catching the worm. Women have amazing social intelligence and can sniff out your weakness and timidity a mile away. The nice ones will be nice but the mean ones will be nasty and exploit your weakness. This is how men slowly or sharply get turned into a beta – through their social interactions with women. The man that is not bold and is shy will be blasted and beaten down so much he turns into a cowardly beta as society chooses him to be.
Never be afraid to lose your girl. That fear will get you Beta’d. You will succumb to her whims and she will slowly destroy you and once you have become the pitiful shell of what was once Alpha, she will exit and look for another Alpha man to destroy if he fails to maintain his frame.
To maintain a masculine frame, self confidence is a must. With-out it, you will become effeminate in a negative way. Alpha men exude confidence like heat, a shine or an energy source. Copious self-confidence triggers submissive emotional responses in women while the antithesis gets you Beta’d.
If you have been Beta’d then you are no longer that authority figure and you will be removed from her presence in short time. Some of you reading now might not believe this fact but by your own anecdotal evidence over time, you will come to know it as truth.
Now, I am not saying to be toxic, what I am saying is for you to know how to be an interesting person with a gravitational pull, know how to escalate situations with women wisely, know when and how much to give, know that you can’t always be available and just be a good person at heart

If you are at this point then there is no turning back – just like passing the event horizon of a black hole – it will be inevitable once you have been Beta’d. Near or far, it will happen. Either suddenly like a crash or slowly like a thief through the night. You may start to notice her always having to spend more time at the office, or talking more and more about a man from work, buying new fancy clothes to wear, going to the gym or going on a diet. These are all just tell-tale signs of the expiration date of your relationship.
Once you have been broken – there is no fixing of the relationship. You can’t fix her mindset of you. She will always have this mindset and the best strategy is not counselling but just to simply learn from your mistakes and move on.
We all make mistakes, even I have been here. Now, the real mistake is not learning from your mistake(s). You should learn from each and every bad situation you place yourself in and get better at it and in life. Just because one woman finds that you are a Beta does not mean another woman will. Being Alpha or Beta is subjective to each woman you meet. In fact, you can be Alpha to one woman and Beta to another all in the same day due to how each woman perceives you.
Just remember, be a genuine, honest, humble, interesting, candid person that is a great communicator. You should be empathetic and true to yourself while knowing how to be wise with your words. Know how to carry a conversation, have impeccable social skills, know how to build comfort and trust while being an interesting person with a gravitational pull and know how to escalate situations wisely.
This might seem like a lot but trust me it isn’t, just be a man on your purpose, treat people kindly, have some manners and know how to navigate tough (social) situations and you will be most or all of these things.

There is a difference between ‘gaming’ your woman and gaming your woman. The point is, women are not a game, but you should ‘game’ them as in put them on an emotional rollercoaster. Not in a negative sense as some bad boys do it but in a sense where you can’t emotionally plateau or stun your woman. Remember, women are emotional creatures and they need and crave the highs and lows - so give it to them. Being on an emotional rollercoaster isn't supposed to be bad. You can do it in a positive way, such as surprise dinners, surprise outings, and doing something new that excites your partner such as going dancing because she likes salsa or bachata. These all give a dopamine effect and bring on swells of emotions.
Too many people see being on an emotional rollercoaster as a negative. Because they have had experiences from guys that didn't handle their emotions properly and thus they are seeing things as very negative.
Gaming your woman should not be about playing life as if it is a video game, you can’t hit reset on a relationship or hit reset on your life. If you view it as this way then you are bound to repeat your loses. And I will say this again, not learning from your mistakes is the biggest mistake you can ever make.

THIS WAS ORIGINALLY POSTED HERE: https://bosslessmindset.com/the-alpha-widow-and-over-coming-drama-in-relationships

submitted by bosslessmindset to longtermDATING [link] [comments]

Are there some impossible phonological changes?

I've been wondering something. I know for sure than some phonological changes have happened more than one time in languages and even have names (e.g : Betacism (/b/ -> /β/ -> /v/) in Greek, Spanish and Hebrew). But is every sound change possible? Like could the sound change /m/ -> /?/ -> /ʁ/ or even the sound change /e/ -> /?/ -> /k/ happen?
submitted by Ylovoir to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

Be the lothario in your relationships.

Be the lothario in your relationships.
Yes, you can be that Jedi lover in thoughts and actions. Let desire be fulminant and be a fiend with your emotions.

A lothario is described as a man who behaves selfishly and irresponsibly in his sexual relationships with women. A lothario suggests an unscrupulous seducer of women, based upon a character in The Impertinent Curious Man, a story within a story in Miguel de Cervantes’ 1605 novel, Don Quixote.
Sometimes you have to be a selfish lover, this can then make you in turn very attractive to certain partners.
Not selfish as in being pleased and that is it. But pleasing your partner while selfishly showing your lover how you want to be pleased without exception.
Men, it is important to know how to please your partner and leave her satisfied or she WILL look elsewhere.
This is the age of cheating and convenience – if you are not doing what you are supposed to then someone else definitely will.
This is why it is also important to be open and honest and be a good sexual match with your partner.
Now there is a difference in feigning an irresponsible behaviour in relationships versus actually having such a behaviour.
The fact is, women like unpredictability when it comes to romance, but never with finances. A woman wants a man she can talk about to her friends, sister and even mother. She wants to tell them how nasty, wild and strong you are in bed. She wants to tell him how you turn her out and use her body for your own means and pleasure. She wants to tell her friends so they rive in jealousy at your epitome of sexual avarice.

THE DORKY GUY: Yes, there are many dorky guys around that wear avengers branded t-shirts, have on jeans that are the wrong fit, and wear knitted sweaters from their mother. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be a sexual alpha.
You can have great sex and be attentive in the bedroom even though you might feel your sexual needs need to come first. Heck, some women like that you place your sexual needs first because they want to please you, and are pleased that you are pleased.
Furthermore, being dorky does not directly translate into being a beta. Being a beta is a mindset where you don’t stand up for yourself, you don’t have a strong will and you let people take advantage of you. Being a dork previously meant you were socially inept or awkward and extremely unfashionable. Some people might think this way still but the crazy thing is, society has shifted towards having a dorky look as something fashionable and ‘the in thing”. Check out the latest fashion trends or shows such as “The Big Bang Theory”.
Now, I have always said, to avoid becoming betacized and to maintain a relationship of trust and respect then you need to always be sure to sexual please your partner.
The idea of having intercourse with a woman in a way that doesn’t match your personality is a thing of the past. Being a dork and having hot passionate sex like an alpha can be easily reconciled. They are not opposites and can exist together. You can be very respectful yet still take charge in bed.
Be the Lothario that channels the alpha attitude in bed. Take steps to embody a dominance during sex that will yield incredible results. Now, not every girl wants to be the more submissive partner, but it seems like most of them do want a guy who can be a bit of an alpha in bed, no matter what he’s like outside the bedroom.
There are countless couples where the woman wants the man to be a bit more dominant when they have sex, while the guy may think he’s just too shy to pull it off. This should not be the case. Thus, it can take a bit of work to make a shift in mindset, but any man can become the sexy alpha their partner wants them to be.
WORK ON YOUR SEXUAL CONFIDENCE: Having sex like an alpha is all about having the right attitude and nothing is going to kill your alpha vibe like being too timid. You need the confidence to take small risks, get creative, step outside of your routine, and take the lead.
If you don’t already have the sexual confidence to do that, there are a few different things you can do to improve it.
First, study sex, read up on it and learn from different sources. Since you’re trying to satisfy a woman, make sure you read lots of articles and blog posts by men and women. They’ll have a lot of first-hand insights that will help you really tune in to your partner’s needs.
Then, you will need to find a style that you’re comfortable with and get a good idea of what sexual confidence is going to look like for you. For example, if you’re shy, you won’t be able to throw her on the bed and dirty talk her ear off – on the other hand, work on being quietly confident and focus on her, not the outcome. Don’t think whether or not you are impressing her but work on giving pleasure and listening to her feedback. It can be easy to get in your head and worry about how well you’re doing, but if you just pay attention to her the entire time, you’ll do fine.
SEDUCE HER: One of the reasons women find it so hot to have intercourse with someone who takes charge is because it makes them feel wanted. When someone takes that attitude, there’s no doubt about the fact that they desire you. You want to give her those feelings then you must start long before the clothes come off.
Become more seductive. You don’t have to do much — just a few little things throughout the day to show her that she’s on your mind.
Make some flirty comments and send a few suggestive texts. Do something thoughtful for her. Create sexual tension through touch – touch her waist, touch her thighs and touch her hips. Remember, as I have said here, on how to touch a woman, slow movements are always better than fast ones.
Chase her a little, but don’t overdo it. You want to make it clear that you desire her, but you are not desperate for sex. You want her to understand that by the time the clothes do come off – the reason she is horny is because you made her feel that way.
CREATE A DYNAMIC THROUGH ROLE PLAY: If you’re kind of timid, being a little more dominant during sex might not come naturally. But that’s okay. It doesn’t have to come naturally because it’s just a role you’re playing.
This is one of the things that trips up a lot of guys. They think it has to be an integral part of their personality. And then they feel silly taking charge in the bedroom because their lady knows they’re not like that outside of it.
None of this makes a difference because it’s less about who you are and more about the dynamic you’re creating in the moment. You can be the sweetest of guys, but when you take on an alpha persona during intercourse – she’s going to feel the heat. Remember, alpha’s give off an energy, it can even be sensed in the forms of a smell, heat, or even light.
If this is still a struggle then try taking on the role of an authority figure. This will make it easier for you to be more authoritative during sex. Just make sure you know what types of role play turn her on – for example, you are certain she will be wet at the thought of you being the jail guard coming into her cell to punish her for what she did on the yard earlier in the day.
PRO TIP: Try not to role play more realistic scenarios such as being her boss that she has to be naughty with to earn a raise or get perks at work. This hits too close to home and might send your partner’s mind down a rabbit hole, especially if she finds her boss attractive. The idea here is to set yourself up for relationship success and not failure. You don’t want your bedroom role-play becoming a real-life problem when she tries what you did with her to her boss.

IN CONCLUSION: Sexual compatibility is of the utmost importance in a relationship.
But be ready to laugh if you and your partner are role playing and things don’t go perfectly. There can be a tonne of pressure on both sides and there will be slip-ups, and that is okay as long as you both can laugh about them.
Remember to not take yourself too seriously or you might have a ruined night of alpha sex role playing. Don’t worry about getting everything right. Don’t worry about embodying your dominant persona perfectly and be ready to laugh whenever possible if in an awkward situation.
Furthermore, if you think you can’t bring a more alpha attitude during sex, it might be because you’re not understanding what an alpha really is. The reality is, the guys who are the most vocal about being alpha males usually aren’t the ones who really embody what it means to be one. Being an alpha doesn’t mean being an asshole or having a toxic mentality. If this was the case then no-one would be impressed by alphas – real alphas are confident and not brash, they are leaders and not jerks. They are men that own up to their mistakes, handle responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their actions.
If you’re empathetic, attentive, fair and a good listener then these are all qualities that can help you take on an alpha attitude during sex.
Unless you’re sexually submissive, I believe every guy has the capacity to be an alpha in the sheets. All you need to do is tap into your desire for your partner and bring out the right traits in yourself.
Forget everything you think you know about being an alpha male and just project confidence while being attentive to her desires. That’s really what it all comes down to.
It might take you a while to get there, and that’s fine since alphas are not made in a day. It is a build up of experiences in life that culminates into a type of personality and behaviour.
If your partner wants you to be more dominant then take those steps now. Build your sexual confidence, seduce her throughout the day, and takes charge during sex.
Be the Lothario man that gives her what she wants by giving yourself what you want.
submitted by bosslessmindset to longtermDATING [link] [comments]

Objective examples of why Ubisoft Montreal is a higher quality studio than Ubisoft Quebec (Odyssey v Origins)

Lets talk about FACTUAL and OBJECTIVE attention to detail. Not opinions, but facts.
Maybe Ubisoft learns from this post and we get better products in the future, and everyone benefits.
Fans enjoyment and Ubisoft profits alike.
I'll start with Odyssey (Quebec) vs Origins and Unity (Montreal). Other people feel free to do Syndicate, Rogue or other non Montreal productions. Or contribute to this comparison.
Objective Lack of attention to detail in Odyssey:


From asset design and placement... look at the steps leading up to the acropolis in Athens (ok forget that they are incorrect in terms of anachronism, those steps were commisioned by Claudius in 57AD... in 431BC it was just a dirt road up), leave that to one side, but look at the asset placement. A 90 degree wall bordering grass with no transition, leaves, dirt, realistic discoloration, wind swept mounds, unevenness, piles of dirt, etc. like you would see in Origins or in reality. It’s like it was placed there in a hurry or by an intern. Asset transitions like the game is from 2007.
Similarly to Syndicate (another Ubisoft Quebec production), you cannot go into the classic ancient Greek houses in Odyssey, the typical Oikos with the central court. All are the identical model (including the textures!) and you can not enter any (ofcourse, because they are all copy / pasted). That while it is known that these courtyard houses varied enormously in size and shape in Ancient Athens. You can only “go inside” the larger villas but that is just an illusion. There is no inside, it’s just the central court.
The only real Greek style house you can enter in the entire game is Pericles house. But that’s inline with what you would expect from Ubisoft Quebec. It was the same in Syndicate (the only “house” you could enter in all of London was Scotland yard). Whereas in the Montreal made Unity, you could enter a quarter of all the buildings in Paris. 1 in 4.
Look at temples in Odyssey, all almost exactly the same textures and objects inside. All dead and lifeless. Same with huts, all identical, down to the blades of hay, dirt texture on the bed, decorations, etc. all just copy pasted.
Look at asset textures. In Odyssey there is too much repetition in objects and textures. Volumetric lighting meshes are lower resolution than Origins. No swirling fog, dew, sand or air currents. Look at the flame on the torch in Origins and Odyssey. Houses in Odyssey are exact duplications of each other. while in Origins and Unity they are procedurally generated combinations.

Asset detail

I love the attention to detail at the Mycenaean temples and Delphi temple complex. The Mycenaean ruins are very accurate to real life. The Delphi temple complex also is a very beautiful and immersive recreation. Delphi temple complex also has some votive offerings positions mixed up with each other, e.g. treasury of Thebes. But they are just errors, not a lack of detail. But the nerd in me wants to point out some of these errors, though they aren’t really relevant to this post.
Skip over to the POPULATION / CROWDS section if you don’t care about historical accuracy issues.
Where the treasury of the Knideans is (the 20 statues) should be the Treasury of the Thebans (a building).
They accidentally switched those around. Positions on the sphinx pillar and sybl rock are also not quite right. But those are just errors, not lack of detail.
Also the Cnidean Lesche (lounge) (out Delphi's temple turn left and go up) is very basic. Just some wallpaper. Pausanias' descriptions of Polygnotus' paintings in that club house cover around 20 pages. In the game, none. That is a real lack of detail.
It's a greatly simplified version and misses out many buildings and details but that's understandable considering the memory and work overhead of doing all the mayor site in Greece.
Pausanias' Desriptions of Greece Book X chapter 29 he describes exactly what was at Delphi (even in his age when it was run down). The description of the inside of the temple alone is no where near accurate to the game. In the game there is one statue inside, in reality the description is around 30 votive offerings and statues (which is what you'd expect).
Also, 19 years ago (in 2001) De Boer et al discovered that the adyton of the Delphi temple lied above three young active fault lines (Delphi Fault) in the 1st millenium BC and concluded that emissions of hydrocarbons and ethylene were most likely the cause of the "medical symptom" descriptions of the Pythia, I so hoped the inside of the temple to be filled with some sort of smoke (like the steam in the bathhouses in Origins) but alas. I even thought maybe the "treasure room" behind and under where the phythia stands in the game would have some smoke and a tripod, but no.
If you care, here you can read Pausanias' description of his walk around of Delphi:
And use this actual map when comparing to the game.
Pausanias is a little hard to read among the ancient writers because he will list something he sees briefly and then provide almost a 10 paragraph description of the myths and history surrounding that object (which to me aren't always terribly interesting), and when you try to skip over his detailed backstory sections you tend to miss when he then starts talking about the next thing he sees.
That’s graphically.

Population / Crowds

Compare the population or amount of NPC’s on the streets with e.g. Unity or Origins. That while Ancient Athens and 18th century Paris had coincidentally similar populations (693,000 per the census of Demetrius for ancient Athens and around 750,000 people for 18th century Paris). The streets in Odyssey look (and feel) lifeless.
Look at this GDC for systemic crowd events from Unity. https://youtu.be/FaV88JAWnbQ
The tech in Odyssey has regressed. There is not the variation of crowd and civilian types, solo and group activity ranges there was in Unity. Neither is there variable branch systemic group interactions.


Now look at linguistic detail. In Origins the team made an attempt to actually recreate ancient and Coptic Egyptian, Koine Greek and Aramaic. Linguists actually worked hard to recreate them.
In Odyssey all the language is modern Greek pronounciation, not Ancient. Take the betacism, pronouncing the B as a V. So Barnabas becomes Varnavas. That is modern Greek. The betacism is a remnant of the 4th century AD, not the 5th century BC. Or words like Malaka! That is modern Greek, it was not an insult at all in Ancient Greek, the word didn’t even exist. Or the pronounciation of the greeting Chaire (pronounced “ghere” in the game), in actual ancient Greek it would have been pronounced “Kaire”. It changed from “Kai-re” in ancient Greek to “Kei-re” in Koine Greek to “Ke-re” in medieval Greek to “ghere” in modern Greek.


Look at gameplay grind and repetitiveness. It’s almost as repetitive gameplay mechanics as AC1 from 2007(!).
" So proud I was born to be spartan. They rise over fire they face. They carry the weight of Leonidas " song is played EVERYWHERE around Greece. That while Spartans didn't travel outside of Sparta. The song even plays in areas occupied by Athens.
Stand in Athens and pan around all the islands from a high altitude in Icaros view. It looks huge. Now goto the map, mark a spot in say Lesbos and switch back to Icaros view, you will notice that the Lesbos island which you think is so far away is actually pretty close by in Icaros view. What you think is the entire map in Icaros view is actually not traversible, you are looking at Anatolia to the east and mount Olympos and Thrace to the north.
These are just some examples of the top of my head. I’m sure there are more.
Also don’t forget that I have 350 hours on Odyssey at level 82 with some LTOG still to do. I wanted this game to be better than anyone else probably because I love ancient Greece.
And you may think I’m a historian or something. I’m not, I’m just a regular dumb guy.
I just looked at youtube videos and googled research / read Pausanias, Xenophon, watched nearly all Ubisoft developer talks of the past 10 years, etc.
submitted by Gold333 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

An Introduction to Oscanez

Oscanez is a Romance language (do not be alarmed, it has a ton of effort put into it is not just a relex of Italian) constructed by me. It is actually a pretty old project, I came up with the idea in April 2019. I finished the original grammar and made a couple dozen words by summer. I realized by then that the language I was making was not a natural evolution of spoken Latin, nor was it living up to my original goals. Now, in late January I believe that I am in a place where I am comfortable sharing this language which I have spent so much time on. Here is the linguifex page. Here is the lexicon (with only ~200 words so far).
My #1 goal was to create a plausible extension of the dialect continuum between Occitan and Castilian Spanish, all the while educating myself on historical sound changes and language development (especially of the Romance languages). There are a few times where I have altered the sound changes to create words which sound better to me.
The language itself is supposed to be spoken in the mountainous areas of northern Spain, by around 9,000 speakers across several villages. The folk origin of the language is from an ancient Roman fort city called Oscanium.

Sound Changes and Classification

Oscanez is an Ibero-Romance language closely related to Spanish. Most of its lexicon is Ibero-Romance, with a few Gallo-Romance sprinkles.
Oscanez's defining sound changes:
In general, sound changes are more ruthless to Oscanez than to Spanish or Portuguese.
Grammar and phonology and all that are found in my big linguifex page.

Sample Translation

I thought I'd do the first line of the Lord's Prayer with a comparison to Spanish, Latin, and French. Here's the alphabet:

A = /a/ B = /b/ C = /k/ /s/
D = /d/ E = /e/ F = /ɸ/
G = /g/ /ʒ/ H = null I = /i/
J = /ʒ/ L = /l/ M = /m/, nasalization
N = /n/, nasalization O = /o/ P = /p/
R = /r S = /s/ T = /t/
U = /u V = /b/ X = /tʃ/
Y = /ʎ/ Z = /z/
At the end of syllables the nasal letter shows that the vowel before is nasalized (formajón, formation [for.ma.ʒõ]).

The Lord's Prayer

Oscanez Latin French Spanish
Lo par nostre, chen estáns nel cielo, che ton nonye sia santificat. Che ton ren venya. Che tan volontat sia fait, na terra como nel cielo. Da-nuis huie o pan nostre che e nejesaro. Pardona las deedas nostres, como también nosautres jes pardonamos a los deedores nostres. E no nos delaises cael na tentajón, mes yila-nos del mau. Amén Pater noster, qui es in caelis, Sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, Sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem: Sed libera nos a malo. Amen Notre Père, qui es aux cieux,que ton nom soit sanctifié,que ton règne vienne,que ta volonté soit faitesur la terre comme au ciel;donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain essentiel;remets-nous nos dettes,comme nous aussi les remettons à nos débiteurs;et ne nous laisse pas entrer dans l'épreuve,mais délivre-nous du Malin. Padre nuestro,que estás en el cielo.Santificado sea tu nombre.Venga tu reino.Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.Perdona nuestras ofensas,como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.Amén.
submitted by chiefarc to conlangs [link] [comments]

To Bonferroni or not to Bonferroni?

Hi!Frist off, a disclaimer: I am still new to this, so the question might be silly. Also my language of statistics is very basic, so i might not communicate what i am trying to communicate.
I am running multiple comparisons within a program and a dataset with very limited posibillities, so ANOVA and corresponding post-hoc tests isn't possible. I am wondering whether my argument to not use bonferroni-correction is correct?The multiple comparisons are:
pre-test vs. norm
pre-test vs. post-test.
post-test vs. norm.
I am aware of the FWER, and to my best understanding, the family wise alpha will be:αFW = 1-(1-0.05)2 = 0.0975
My hypothesis states thatA) Significant X pre-test compared to norm
B) Significant -X pre-test compared to post-test
C) No significant deviances between post and norm
According to this, i believe that the probability of falsely identifying A and B equals the probability of a type-I error, (αFW = 0,0975). And falsely identifying C, as the probability of a type-II error (beta) which i cannot calculate because of the restrictions in my program, but which I can assume is less than 1 and greater than 0.
In my head, i understand the alpha of my hypothesis to be the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis while A, B, and C occurs at the same time.
Can i use the specific probability rule of multiplication to estimate the alpha? So that:AlphaHypothesis=AlphaA*AlphaB*BetaC
AlphaA*AlphaB=0.0095. Given that BetaC is less than 1 and greater than 0, the alpha of my hypothesis should (if the assumptions are correct) be less than 0.01.
Then to evaluate the decision to reject the null hypotesis the alpha should be about 0.01 even if the inflated alpha of each observation is almost 0.10?
I actually have no clue whether this is at all valid, or if I have overlooked something fundamentally important.
submitted by Snue_ to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

History Post #2: Armenia=Ararat=Urartu

Hi again, armenia! My last post seemed to be fairly popular and invited some good, lively discussions, so, as promised, I have decided to make this a series. For this series, I will try to a) be as unbiased as possible and b) be well cited, while at the same time expressing my opinion to fill in gaps here or there.
You can find my previous post here: https://www.reddit.com/armenia/comments/chf4jm/clearing_up_some_misconceptions_about_urartu/.
Frequently on Armenian websites, in books, and even on this subreddit there is much debate about early Armenian history, particularly Armenia's relationship to Urartu. In my last post, I detailed some of the evidence that points toward Armenians being present and contributing heavily (and possibly even founding) the Urartian state. The purpose of that post was really to stress that we need to recognize Urartu as an era of Armenian history, rather than a pre-Armenian period. There was a continuum, and the Urartians themselves seem to have been merely a dynasty or two. Hopefully in the future we will talk about a Urartian Armenia in much the same way we talk about an Orontid Armenian or an Arsacid Armenia.
For this post, I plan to detail some of the things I have learned about the various names of Armenia and how many of these names are connected to each other. As I said above, I will rely on my own personal theories and opinions for this writeup, but rest assured, when doing so, I will make it clear that it is my view.
As detailed in my previous post, the Urartians did not call their domain Urartu but rather Nairi, Shurili/Surili, and Biainili. The -ili/-nili suffix is thought to mean "built by"--so Shurili/Surili would mean "built by Shuri/Suri". Biainili means "built by Biai". Usually, Biai is equated with Van, the logic being that betacism occurred, a linguistic phenomenon where B<>V. However, this would render Viai and not Van. It's still possible that the two are related, but the root of Biainili may not Biain but Biai, which makes this connection less clear. Armen Petrosyan argues that Van might be related to the words "wine" and "vine" (perhaps before Armenian and Georgian W>G) and uses the Gnuni noble family from the northern Lake Van region as possible evidence of this connection (Gnuni=Gini-uni?). Nairi is recognized as an Assyrian name meaning "land between rivers".
Urartu is usually described as being the Assyrian version of the Hebrew name Ararat (which is the name of Armenia in The Bible). Previously the Assyrians had called this region Uruatri. The Assyrians' forbearers, the Babylonians/Akkadians, used a similar name, Urashtu. It is unclear what exactly any of these names mean, although Boris Piotrovsky [thanks People Of Ar for this source] theorized that perhaps the name meant "mountainous country" in these Semitic languages.
So it seems that Urartu was not a native name, but rather a name applied to the greater Van region by its southern Semitic-speaker neighbors. Or was it?
The Armenian name for the region, Ayrarat, is often described as having originated from Ararat or Urartu. However, wouldn't it make sense that the natives of the region would have applied their own name to the land in which they lived? As mentioned above, from what I have seen, there is no real etymology of Urartu besides it possibly meaning “mountainous area” or simply “Ararat.” However, I have a few theories about possible Armenian etymologies for these names.
"Ayr" in Old Armenian meant "men" (or maybe more specifically "courageous men"). "Ara" is obviously a significant name in Armenian history as it is related not only to a patriarch, but also the sun god (AAra/Arev/Areg). So Ayrarat could mean "Men of Ara" or "Men or Ar" or "Ar-men." There is still the issue of the final T. Perhaps it was just added for "aesthetic" purposes (Ayrarat sounds more definitive and intense than Ayrara). But I have a better theory. In Proto-Indo European, atta meant "father". I do not know if a descendent of this word existed Armenian, but as versions existed in Anatolian languages, Ancient Greek, Latin, and other Indo-European languages, it seems possible. Perhaps Ayrarat was originally Ayraratta, ayr+ar+atta="men of Ar, the Father". This theory is possibly supported by the names Urartu/Uruatri/Urashtu, and potentially Sumerian Aratta (more on this in a future post), all of which suggest that "Ararat" may have originally ended with a vowel (in cuneiform, our modern vowels are often interchangeable--hence how one can arrive at Urartu from Ararta and vice versa, or confusion with the spelling of the name Arame/Aramu/Arama). Additionally, more modern dialects of Armenian frequently drop final letters that are believed to have been present in Proto-Armenian, for example, Arama>Aram or arkay>arka.
I have an alternate theory too. Perhaps the T at the end was originally Ti (or Di). In Proto-Armenian ti meant "god/deity"...so if the name was Ayrarati (and not Ayrarata) it could mean "men of the god, Ara".
So Ayrarat could be a native Armenian self-appellation that is equivalent to the Greco-Iranian "Armenia" (Ayr-ara-t(a?i?)=men of Ar(a), Ar-men=men of Ar).
Hark', mentioned by Mosves Khorenatsi as the place where Hayk settled, would similarly mean Ars (i.e. "land of the Ar people"). According to Petrosyan, Djahukyan and Sargysan compare (H)ark' with the Hayasan city name (as recorded by the Hittites) Arkhita, and the Urartian name Arkhi (which, in Urartian, translates to "land of the Ars"), respectively.
Thus, Ararat=Urartu=Ayrarat=Hark’=Armenia LITERALLY.
As previously mentioned, Urartu was previously called "Urashtu" by the Babylonians. However, Dr. Martiros Kavukjian suggested that the name was actually "Urastu", and connected it with Astuas (Astvats). When I first read this, it seemed a little far fetched to me (like many of Kavukjian’s ideas). However, I later read work by both J.G. MacQueen and Paul Zimansky where they independently suggest that when using cuneiform, Indo-European Anatolian and Hurro-Urartian languages used the cuneiform symbol normally associated with the digraph Sh to instead represent S. Hence the name of the two Urartian kings normally rendered "Argishti" by Semitic cuneiform conventions was instead probably meant to be read as "Argisti".
Additionally, if cuneiform U can be used to represent A, it is possible that Urastu was really Arastu. We have previously discussed Ar representing the sun god. Astu is a name frequently used in very ancient Mesopotamian and Near Eastern god names (I will explore this further in a future post). Clearly there is a parallel between Astu and the name used for God in the Christian Armenian tradition, Astuas (Astvats in modern Armenian).
The name Urartu could be connected to this. Replacing U with A, one arrives at Arartu/Ararta. According to Kavukjian, Artu/Arta is a dialectical variant of Astu/Asta (he offers examples of other R<>S in various Armenian dialects to support this claim). Usually Arta is identified as being a spiritual-philosophical concept introduced to Armenia by the Zoroastrian Iranians in the first millennium BCE. However, a near identical concept existed in Homeric Greek as Arete (usually identified as "excellence" or "living up to potential"). Homeric Greek was spoken prior to Iranian domination (and maybe even Iranian presence) in the Eastern Mediterranean region. If the Armenian language occupies a space halfway between Indo-Iranian and Greek languages, it seems likely that Armenian would have a native version of Arta/Asta independently of both Iranians and Greeks. Incidentally, the Sanskrit equivalent of Arta is Rta, much like Arev can be compared with Ravi, and Aram(a) with Rama (I believe that this further supports a native Armenian etymology for Arta/Artu). I should also note that the Urartians called the Artsakh/Karabakh region Urtekhi, which can be read as Artakhi, literally "land of the Arta people".
So according to this definition, Urashtu (or rather Arastu) means “excellent/divine/righteous Ar”.
I wonder if the words “Arta” and “Astu” are inherently connected to the sacred/poetic “sun” (arev/areg/ravi/kharuwannae) or “star” (astgh/astron/astestaswastika), words that are usually identified as being of Indo-European roots, even though they are present in Semitic, Hurro-Urartian, and possibly Sumerian and Hattian languages.
At least two city-states in the what is now Syria and modern southeastern Turkey had variations of the name "Arme"/"Arman". The actual number of these 2nd and 1st millennium cities and their relationship to one another is unclear. One of these cities may correspond to Aleppo, Syria. Usually these cities are connected to the Hurrians, Assyrians, and Anatolian Indo-Europeans (Hittites, etc), however, some scholars have tried to link these names with Armenia, not only because of the similarities of the names but also because at least one of these lands, Arme, is identified in relation to Shupria. Arme-Shupria was known to the Urartians as being a region to the west of Lake Van, in what would later be known as Western Armenia. Incidentally, Arme-Shupria was previously called Armani-Subartu (Subar), a region usually associated with Assyrians and Hurrians. I wonder, however, if –artu/-ar reflect the Armenian concepts discussed above in connection with Urartu and Ararat.
Recent scholarship has suggested one of the city-states variously called Armi, Arman, and Armanum, and the personal names of its inhabitants (including one Arra-ti/tulu(m)), are the oldest recorded Indo-European names (dated to around 2300 BCE). Italian archaeologist Alfonoso Archi has placed this Armi in the region of modern Samsat, Turkey. Archi and others, however, have described the people of Armi as Anatolian speakers (i.e. related to the Hittites, Luwians, etc).
I have a few theories to explain this:
Asia Minor was metal rich. It is believed that tin and other metals were traded not only with Sumeria and Semitic peoples to the south, but also with northern groups, such as the Maykop culture and those living on Russian Steppes. Perhaps at least some of these cities were Indo-European (Armenian? Hittite? Both?) metal trading colonies.
Perhaps Ar worship was widespread throughout Asia Minor and northern Mesopotamia at the beginning of recorded history. Maybe Ar was a component of the religious beliefs of the Pre-Proto-Indo Europeans (aka Indo-Hittites)—the ancestors of the Proto-Indo European who were located in the greater Armenia region. The Hittites maintained this as they spread westward. Armenians did too. Maybe Iranians, Indians, and Greeks did as well, and Arta, Rta, and Arete were vestiges of Ar.
Edit: Fixed typo
submitted by norgrmaya to armenia [link] [comments]

washway accessorial viol sturdied exanthemata

applejohn maimu
l rewarding ibsenite p antagruelically infiltrators slawbank misspender wreathen obscurities anole** tubulating transiter bera te handy congenialness anthraciti sm leucitohedron hypotarsal decreative braveries bacillo`sis shagia scriptural unmodif.iability d.asystep~~hana in
rrability bromals erythrosine peptized enchanted tux
es unanach~~ronously nora sulea hirmologion superpartient cinemelodrama suffragettism inhibit graecize jackety preconjectured ory`ctology proclamations undeserted daw
dling otorrhagia mestfu~~ll rheotactic hustling darnings sikar freeh.anded dreng nailfile ele*ctr
othermic infandous retraxit untenaciously hubbaboo lexiconize diffusive equilibrize ingerminate doyens watchw.ork vincibly sulfathiazole semipopularized sc`incomorpha blackamoors osmiums un.derdevelope starkle semisupination si
bilate hatefulness back`benchers undertalk reyn ard ritualise beduck ba*nquo adlai orthosta
t starves gr
eywa`re fordwine tsotsi poplitei prypro
of gaviifor`mes unboastfully morris kremlinolo,gist mult,ijugous glossophytia oenology pu
ritans bradbury maquette eccaleobion pushchair homaging
moke leprose wassailous fishings
effronte*d gigglish contemplates nosology unanxiety eulogica~~lly peony choreoid minxish nonce`lestial nov.aculite^ tablier unde**rdried attainders workmen befudd
led porrect kittl.es kafirin cropshin naiant
poseur refamiliarizing
concen`ts acrostic faussebrayed biss.ext thriftlessness ch.aracterising splurgily polychromic hazy lu.mping jostles clouting quebrada babiism unsect
arian brayera anthraxo,lite sistome
anaphoral** forgainst sakeret
nuragh tirehouse jove actinine priscilla untidying unsupervised defo.r~~ciant
inquinated hilling unpantheistic as`hpan nettles oversowed undertaxed subrigid, nonpotable suprem
ely ce~~phalochordal jingoish phosphorizing ombre truthable dorp.ers
inherence prune
s engir*dled
autocephaly *all.over hexes supermaxilla facty metachronistic *glabriety dandled qu
izz.ed martyrer antitheistically adversitie~~s outriggin
g over**linked cardi~~opyloric p
edestrianate predes,tinative` dryerman** si nuitis munitione er franklinian baedekerian z
ill drably inoxidized .bottlefuls systematology spontaneity u`nlinks subumbonate uncond
emning~~ zircalloy indamin britishness carroms ume megakaryoblast reverseways anticancer disquisitory resemblant liturgic pheromo
nes superintendence beelzebul ho*meomorphisms nonrebelli.ousness stripper exestuate po~~roseness ben`ch abode
d "TypeError" s
ogdoite format essentiate ocyroid
ae points immu.tably refashioning bejumble projournalistic donec microbious embracement tropomyosin repechage cuminoin massachuset timba**l chivied ,quasky olid budgers tuss ilago phagedaenic laborless p,apyrocr.acy mor~~tgage,es betac,aine stagirit ic spokeless housefly unquelled bine absolutest gr avicembalos shameface uptear winterweight endosteitis straightness aporetical *dvaita w~~annish redr~~awers oxycinnamic hyperb~~ranchial na*mebo*ard a**geisms^ macraucheniidae consentience deaspiration nightfish moondrop touzling dir
ectcarving paratoluidine chayote proconference crissum hottentot prosopyle spankled hy,lidae corresp.ondents proc
ellar`iiformes bespeck.le benzoylglycine pridelessly introducee "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" marshes vealskin incras.sate ephedrin monobasic intendingly blowziness submergence pseudostoma hederiform rinds marliest persecution**al archengineer venal anlaute cl
imacterial undramatized sci~~ssion masting a*nglicizing heat
hers fostership biggish membranal superrespectably hypersecreti*on metostylous quadriplanar trisha imprescriptibility hematopexi
s undear formalizable deluce counterseal repas preactive hemikaryon dinumeration redb`a*its dietotoxicity ove.rintensifying .monochronous negroph,obia uvulectomy isoclinically nonco nformest houseminder codp iece hianakoto bitterbush seafare heterozygosity iglu anticivic whippings preaccu*mulate pretubercular counterplan a,ntiquated trisacramentarian schoolboydom reconfiscation hypersuggestibility *synedrion s.ynaesthesia tiara invocator dispensary interatomic pigroot unearthing reddingite s.arcodes gundal,ow judgement nock undercompounded filigera theanthropic sunups apaches promulging alarmed semmel sutile spiro*le phytographer rau
cousness inwardness sheeney oxyurous psychrometry unornamentation emeses paisanos vesicae *menthenone sardel bedriveling timbersome punchabl~~e implementational douter alimentally mismount intertex. spot ob,scurism kerch chirographary nivellator cedarwood nonremanie.
submitted by stroke_bot to nullthworldproblems [link] [comments]

solonetz sionite

ur~~ostylar balaghat b
lends dispurpose glaciating outwoven hawaiite gobet brought antiradical kid~~dle animalia thermostatted spongioblastic* ,conjoin**tly stam`mer
me.notyphlic glutto`nising doddering osteectomy si.gnum megala.ema labyrint,hodontian semi*fa
mine kinesc,op.es prebeleve foreshow mudhopper garten tractable shepherd`dom heiresses. micropterygid
zigza.ggy nonefficacy healths eclectic castal,io aspheterism osmotherapy solidating gemin~~ative cra,nebil.l knickknacky constantinople hali*carnassian bumps^ nonpendency snivey spoonyism pyracene magnetoplas*m~~adynami`c nidder lordlike snivy misc
orrected cascadian deproceduring karacul galegine louseberry importunes mastatrophy noncarteli.ze
d u
nexcepting** ,metaphenyl
enediamine disapproval docetic decempennate oversocially buffered limonium pinnatisected osamin postspasmodic cystoidean ranivorous servitors merchanted pyrheliometri`c t
otable coexperiencer xiphisura sphaerococcus washhand enlisted invertive convulsively cevadilla perruthenic harle. cryptodynamic platter overstricken hydrolatry postponable ,wrecke~~r lushness overloa
ding unmon
opolising roomier in,urement spar sity wymote nullifier bureau,cratized "TypeError" reversal pilgrimess klockmannite tydie alloplasty bi*smerpund froglike vulguses weirdest rec
ontact c**onstuprate resined red`eems dorsilumbar scholarch milleri anteroinferior oralogy stomachs yardbirds rodomontaded niggardly mama sarcosporidian anticorr
osives panspermist commemorate locational vitreously unbalancement sacrococcygeus oreas centenary lemonlike dioecian hicatee pinsons cytococci overexciting chantingly ultraenforcement octrois woodcocks hacendado cebidae fraised unquod friborgh iridauxesis subindexes organoantimony oneiroticpushcart bawhorse umbrellaless cneorum mousing moonet khedi**via*h *rhynchocephalous zemstroist pinchcock wiver,s schlep lae tic unenthroned lamedlam`ella frolicky ~~clubs*tart zygapophysis phalangiti
c caradoc profanableness dissettl`e epopoeist **kibit,ka goober .perimeningitis~~ theo~~dosia defenestrate.d cunctator unindentable osmosing rope.walker heightening perforating u
nialgal ,tertius redbone medicaments hyposulphite celestialize attenuated di,spatch groundw.ater sarcocol umb*ellulidae shredding ninetyish kailyards segregation` odontotherapia infiltrator boron metaphrast alcyoniform cogitates spiritle*ss matc
hcloth **macan preparatively nosesm`art trapnests adjustation undiverseness annominate
stirrupwise openmouthed un~~courageousness pom*p**ano pessimistic crop woodsier alveolites plessor **hopheads shawed uninjuredness incontracted unitude betacism "TypeError" sternest vocicultura.l carajura noduli cholelith
otripsy latelin.ess exoteric h.al
licet here,ticate negligee "Segmentation fau~~lt (core du
)" setup unionid strophanthin batling bullwhipped un~~prostitute.d verm
y tapling wingers goatsbane overcramming unenglish nonam,enability adornment inhabited roodstone tingtang agnomi**cal contendent o**utsaid un disdaining uro,lith,ology get`atability cha
ttation lincolniana sympatheticotonia hotelma,n moldavite thi,oindigo bafyot intrascrotal crowboot gastrosto,mies ophthalmotropetyphlophile polyhybrid alexand,rite^ encushion isospory overp,olish expellant progermination fimble ,poterium zabtie truckle** preterroyal **subcurator aspidiske tunne^lmaker praetor sybaritish ankylomele renograms archont^ blepharospath prolation dedicat`ive indec**l
charge supervisee wirable tungst,ous obelisks convenery preencounter` hoaxability imperceivably shangan signature busto outcomes bosonic prevent s.upers eaman quadrup licature
postlo*itic stoked outgabbling portlast dactylopodite lethargize steadies do`wnheartednes,s subscribe prowlers rigsdaler pictu~~rably paschaltide dishpans repique valencianite nugget
gs reclass coemploy bract hex,actinian corynteria demitoilet parge deckhand histoch~~emically co`llecte d antimer.istem bucrania millinormal interpolate culver**ineer backstabber oxidases inflectionless buckramed xanthones^ microampere daffadowndilly co.nvent.ionalize "TypeError" lowbrowism waterw
ays regulatively synapsin
g laqueus nectarivorous chanson un`ray rookies unextruded gonotyp,e cuscohygrin tamandus paviotso offs*c
ourer immome.ntous cognizingbulgers biopsychic ultrahuman battik, pa,l**iest ps
eudarthrosis interlocate coxopodite producibleness boondoggles quincentenary optometrist ecesis nontypho**id`al pontifices underachievement unminced circumnavig~~ations metaphor r
eitera*ble handleless artifactitious gommelin portrayable trilbie,s
mumblers levie,rs** dolomize counterpointed waferish attemp`re undulant k
e**slep d.istributor conduplicate acidification parallelepiped signalizes dyspnoic junkerdom nonmortal. lanolated leptocephalic che
mically galenist z*uludom viscerate diascordiu~~m ja
gheerdar lyssophobia bichromate ~~upstage rejoice exponentials saltpetrous schistous looser^ outdistancing autosomatognosis dissue
submitted by stroke_bot to nullthworldproblems [link] [comments]

beclothed reemphases poitrinaire akroasis unsapient tagalog meningotyphoid outback

mendaite malihini deu
rwaarder nontraceable vocationalize policlinic unentomological unblocked subbri.gade dicer vi~~ab**ly kops m,egacephalypolygordius vanessa coarsest archaizes etesian cindie unrestriction wong en caf taned n`otchy alloys so,wf. undeception .impiousness overroof hystricidae newf ang,lement anionics untoggler travailer mi
sbegi**ns luteal overwidely fumariaceous politer clueless catal,yzing tetronymal dalmatians mo.hammedanism quoit betacism gyrostatics t.ropic projournalistic substantialized esocy
clic encinctured org.anology spermophilus epi,styles pedagogs radioprotection cong~~iary gel d
able obedi~~ence petemen lees colossus kehilloth fibronuclear quadrics tsarin**a thuggees uphol,stery nonrival latitude outwinding mine`ral att~~ender nonexcitative overdiversifying nonforfe
itures retreading eider complots `brownist* lamiae e*molumental apicilla
ry .saccharomycetes, thonder undersense yowling fenian sweet
ful irater julep draying cervicitis^ pal
inal fissionable caranda specsartine brachydomal hieroglyphist lewdest overhostility stearone grillages* preventable mall`ows alterity ceratorhine unlucrative f**atlings nonerratic mortling snaggier heavens s eamiest pteridophytous chandlering liquidizes alltud pinbush macromole monostelic legumins pep.lums onsl~~aught unabruptly opt ometry coryza w
andoo hogrophyte polypifer synsacrum
eff~~raction page unforethoughtful unconfirmed quadrantile morom
ancy lexigraphy prancing reprieval anticus antiflatter.ingcornetists howffs blepharohematidrosis k~~antians circumterrestria.l pantomi`mically superf*luitance pseudoacademic uncompass
lity tokenless scorpionfish veinulet incrustment decimole gudget anneslia folkishness piebaldl*y azoisobutyronitrile camelopar
did. lateriflexion^ or**dinate
s juramentally dishw.ater polychromatophilic rabble**rs~~ a
nasitch filicineae injecting ai
rscapes velocipedic turtledove licuri noncrushable lenis .stimuli rabatte lipect,omies
practical cytinus go.biesox prekindled contractional sniffingly dismembers cerfoil planked cri*cetine ca.tilinarian t
bs gauleiter diazine divulsor spaciosity am`monolyzing d*eposals steamrollering botanisin
g smudg y d rilling sporoph yl dehydrogenise antiskid burweed,s a rterio necrosis uran.orrhaphy duplicity decurrency contractation edmond kaama adularia ,godson w.izened toluol ritardando supervisually quinquesect revacci.nating bawb~~ees haplology *thromboses prefilter donat
ism unlace sinitic m.esoglea argillic primer yata*ghans b.ibliopolistic amishgo misconceived acetopyrin adulterants proprietary icicle univalvate capillation dry
saltery palladiumized interstice santos taoist heartsomely hydrosolic **grooveless spivery advertized g*anglander ma jo~~rdomo*s paranephritic agreeability navic uloid loupen physnomy sonorific bigger limbatio.n averse targe ciao gameful nervate appellable sulfindylic tellin
gly heteromeran soothsaying overprotects
camletting undisobedient uncu,nning bipropellan,t n,arraters mechanor,eceptor myricales traducing tetrous tortonian vulgo st
asimetric weeds* hyperthermal hydrosulf`u~~rous sash.es psychrophile beclamor terebellid noumea photoc,ollographic warc
rafts noticed faunish senhoritas lederhosen si*lico
thermic saururaceae allay huttoni,ng deediest idioreflex counterband tran,smigrated suk adject impanels wharfed goatee chondrogenetic formicariidae unelabor,ateness carroty lo
dged spruik suggestum steeved wastingness nolo ,commandin
g gonom
ere updates~~ ,ratepayer unscor ified rundles pilidium mockage wamefu paraflocculus ,heliolitidae un**heard
no.nstereotyped vihara dorsalwards
nims globalist irritative tenancies lungan unrudely roadhead. snop ro`weling shrieva lty uninterpreted platybrachy
cephalous w*icca pig
tude pelecypoda ~~sublim,ification unet`hicalness dem.ur hippolytidae ur.inometer s,everize e**uc.hord.a eluvies largishness sciatical enhaloes infectionist chauna sotie homogen unspecke
d alchemized oatcake chauffeur departmentalisation viperfishes catalonian longcloth appomatox splenonephric ap.hidozer fleawood currach cachetic ,gauster r**iflebird producibleness polyantha jokesters mis,aventeur supe~~rdubious antisepticise idle`ship dodgers ascidiia rearmament couth.ly handselled mag
neti.zers** bldr meiocen.e o,llapod
predestined re enumerated accourt jurisdictional provaccination ph**yllodoce probationerhood ac,ca a mel**i`orations "Segmentation fault (core dumped)
" acceptant l`ovelessness clyfak,ing zebecs rounde~~lay zereba p*hysophoran gantry despite
ous transitmen petos smeller underdog staphylo.r**rhap,hic lawnmower sidebar synostoti
c. .sciroccos antiquarianly rel`uctivity d**isperses witchwoman agreing under~~frequenc.ies culler phylloclad airliners
submitted by stroke_bot to nullthworldproblems [link] [comments]

eudaemonical actinometers viperoidea gymnasiast

unmerged lepry march cochlosperm
um e,nskie`d abvolts im saxboar d distrainable h eptarchal pilaffs gaudiness uprivers fra*nkeniaceous entune unkill heteroousiast, shoulderette cohabiter ariose symbolofideism redecide sn owpacks. barratries borane somes,thesis. hexanchidae recompensive psy
chiatry repacify scamler coe.quality coproduct
armstrong enneastylar wrungness dancery herophilist gangliac u.proariously suspicioned c~~apping procrastinatively calibrators reissue*s unburst "ZeroDivisionErr
or" slideably religieuse destruct inso.oth subangul,at
ely silicotitanate. invigilating debt amusing forebye dice extraparochially rouleaux unscummed closehearted oxytonic pse,udosatirically go*n oblastic pretend readings ,predepend ent uncapable sagu~~ing covena
ntor funt disaffi~~liates endoskele**tons dimit hyperessence* algocyan .stomatoscope silds **laborability .suspicioning ionidium sandwic
hing galvanize anomodont harvester poking horseway achafe shammashi **parkings exponent iate ovist macrognathism ion
ised ovatodeltoid diplospondylic vicki wandorobo erectility chrobat feltyfare driftlet betacism luxuriety toughens culverhouse ,arbusta drinkl.ess pretors preconsiderations ~~malduck impermeableness otomycosis horticultor two fe.rtilities dorothea *futurisms hammerless^ .parabola**nus defr,aud~~ing lateroanterior pulka bostrych.oidal doigt prereversal abassi cra,tchin
s fusionist escropulo antimoralist misdraws retinoscop
y outlying hoars palmitins prej.udices moolvi acylogen ~~outmating isotone
s spermatize si,mulated suncu
p grate pars.ic uncharacteristically, interaction metaspermous refired subtiliate init,ializations overangry electrophori~~dae ,pros
ecrecy resister evils averil clanjamfrey northfield.ite** burratine columelliaceae midband kab autoly.se reco,rded drowsihood am*ontillados unsquire *smellab le giarre sigillarist exemplarily cycloole`fine alveated aguep roof infestive edental bateau needlecase purser yare deozonizer foumart gon ads dis*accordant pha
ryngorhinitis dun~~gbeck rainburst pickee semiphase "ZeroDiv.isionError" nonactivator yellowbark va,ns algernon womanmuckle haemostasia *bibiri martyry vengeance unmercurial laminiferous superelementary maund br
coverlet subcomponent whenceforward erasmus olivette collegiugia solein marlins pourable chairer controllingly departmental unpardonableness` prowe~~ssed aromatophor gallein transeptally dysporomorph machairodus misgrew hathoric postarytenoid cantharidian nons
imilar overfeminized prahm saltishly plu**sses irreceptiv`ity preconcurring wifie large
he~~artedly* .unindiff,erent `sacramentalist detours dishevelling
wasteries composito~~r unattestable alnage m`artel atloidoaxoid misgesture ombrophile resistent safflow etymologizable virulented ducks meristematically phosphids parapet**less outweigh u
nnabb~~ed titule daydreams iulus prointervention seljukian autoschediastical beelzebul trainless veils ,sapoph**oric artemis*ic v
ulcanizers romancers unstu pidly anti~~school nitrates hydros.oma.l revalidation myelencephalons vis,cerogenic slapsticks** batteryma,n oz,otype cu`mbent a ntiphonical pleated exclaimer mandamus unionisation evirato remnantal sallow,er adradius turtledoved vern megagamete eyeopener lurdans mastological attently jauk hectography herpet ambach resensitizing c
hresto*mathy subcarinated unmerciful.ness yuft f,emicide astalk woodrock crucifyfied ca
rbonero pange.d subsets mesitylenic locusting
submitted by stroke_bot to nullthworldproblems [link] [comments]

marlet platydolichocephalic platery coleopteran

ribbings urosome subbrachiate inverity bespeckle protothecal abought sourhearted cylin~~drenchyma fearedly unpredictable unvolatilised sensifacient non.orchestrally retrofrontal by*coket retreading egested prizing hippotomist unre
compensabl.e leptorr`hine autocarist unbegottenness testimonializer perist
hic supe,rg
lor*ious not~~ching uranus gastnesses handcuffed midfacial u
ndextrous monticulipo~~ri
dean ,carburometer un~~grudgingly pantheic p,yeloto*my crackskull unwithst.ood mimically u`npilfered unstarlike ad
obos lixiviums fu,d,dlebrained. hydrometamorphism embrue .hydroadipsia hermetist spermophytic tineid twentiethly hyperconformist preina,ugu,rated sennit
s berceuse
stichidia isoionone u,ndislocated~~ suba** impressure bolete un*bero.uged hypoantimonate proc,erus *credal multilayer donable oph,iomancy lymphogranulomatous decursive humiliations unworshipped discrepancies hu
manhood massacre misgivings jockeyship abomasa dissevering circumnavigating complacency calliphorine dampne nonresister mesovaria botheration apiole nonsana,tive tric*hlorfon pluriseriate comade *cuculiformes hurrahs recr
ement locoweed bio,tins cohanims unintentiveness luteiniz*ing reconversion atheisticalness .mezzos tungstate canceroph
ob~~e iridiophore
stipendiate mishongnovi renegados fawning
ly clonu~~s undissolvable impetrated missounding forkbeard unpredi
cably. iodine outhouse inlighten avitic pattener nasopalatine alferez menuisiers *cover rebuttoning soft cytisus pouncingly fat,a*lism lantum tubbed nonmutably vamoose overlords pebblehearted whistlin
gly magnetron venule unsimulating .tr.igonoid oscillatoriaceous undestructive photocomposition emanative weeble ur,banised subplantigrade indoors metacinnabar bespeakable bartisan cacomixle chaguar unsaponifiable bagnio amchoor pneumopericardium morsing piezometrical wasterfully ledged tibioscapho id salv^ific columnar injurer innatism c*ineradiography rehete plemyra^meter disaf.filiates hercogamy noninstructional neuromere amphi.bolous pronged herola apyrexy sinked bridema`n diktat ozoniz
ed caputium outsu**btle celerities superphlogistication prosimian ganodont patrizate extroverts
hemachrosis cacon~~ychia rampire nonsalubr^ious soundheaded fizzles pullus foundati.ons trichroic, nymphaeum matthias eq,uation silicif*erous
sloth pledgers kainozoic itonididae mimetene tochers overventurously b
rasilins petaurista sengreen companionableness assim,ilate melodramaticism syphilises cy.stotome cubitiere grandpap whi`ffenpoof restorator da
gbane immensu*rablen
ess c~~hionis titho.nom,eter gobbled cytoclasis deploredly ruffes ,yachts vaulters unvendible hazanim disangularize quizzery kaddishes polyophthalmic pancreatolipase stachy drine miscontinuance clari`fications lanternist friarling aluminous vi
zardlike astromantic inobediently unaxled infirmarer lacinaria logography encumberment nonrational*ly counterdeputation dominance aulostoma programme antiblackis~~m chresmology beethovia
n r*ipe trochars bursula praepubis tackifying attached holts coendures `verdi accessioning d
emethylat`ion~~ caniniform phytol,ithologist s
hado,wable scholae
fubby concordably brickliner charang~~os orthophyre preinsular t,idder procon sular crosshaul jugu.lar sphaeridi*um. mismates aspidiotus la
udanum f`libbertigibbets phar inspinne luger lodestar epifocal huge beguile cout
hie vicariates abadengo cestoid epoxies dethronable jacksnipe gendered siberite dhut.i unflowering li.belling disguisement undertenancy hydrocholec,ystis cuifs
subgenital serenades t.risulphide dementedness immen~~sity a
rrowless pinnati`sect mispropo.sing overlaudatory julienite choledocholithotripsy **laender udic gillie septulate balian antimallein medics scarehead excitonutrient p
icrated tonguy c.rystallographer^ kain surliest unsupplemented cor.bleu galactophthysis cymogene sorosporella sedgiest inquiry germans dagaba benevolently postpartal chalicotherium unwont pauper vasem**ake r barricading commonality pill*ed v*enizel~~ist hi**erarchal unpolish buckwheats transi
liency co
lters sakai premechanical geraniols lache serena**des helmsmen ficoes nonintoxicating decopperize options hanafi o~~vological regionalize rulershi.p belabours amyloclasti
c d,elitescent gradin.g,s distruss ov
erfon`d econometer subtarget cont
act s*chesis .fu.lgurate betacism historicism epilating artly persea isoborneol impud
icity beautifully disgracious churchianity sideroxylon lysiloma brechams. paramide carcassed hyperpi**etist retrorectal quantifications miliac.eous .pol
ypharmacal c,eroline schoenobatic "T**y
or" herba reaccents pre.parement porphyritic upmount enuresises photoceram~~ics gigantosaurus be*grudges unarmed ,cubas copaljocote reunified
submitted by stroke_bot to nullthworldproblems [link] [comments]

unexaggeratory eroticizing ailuridae eidolons burglarise hopelessly

us flytime. upstater cytococc*i mermitherg
ate desultorily neutra`lism mesostyle coprophilous opis.thodomos sandkey suk blackpr
int a
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