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submitted by CarlosCesarTrejoT to TodoSobreForex [link] [comments]

Let's fight COVIDiot Sheriff Chad Bianco and his Stepford Wife Republican cheerleaders' spread of COVID and more disinformation!

How can you help "Stop the Meal"?

Send an e-mail to: Ms. Sally LangwellSenior Sales ManagerAgua Caliente Casino Resort SpaRancho Mirage, [email protected] Please ask Ms. Langwell to cancel the East Valley Republican Women's Federated Luncheon on Monday, February 1st. Here's a copy of the e-mail a group of us sent to Ms. Langwell on January 13. It may help crystalize and organize your own communication.
Dear Ms. Langwell:
We are a group of Coachella Valley residents deeply concerned over the current spread of coronavirus in our Valley. As you know, the numbers have shot up since the Christmas holiday season to the point where over 3,000 Riverside County residents are getting infected every day, and scores are dying. Even Covid-free residents are experiencing serious negative impacts, as overwhelmed hospitals cancel elective surgeries and lose resources to handle non-Covid related medical emergencies.

Although help is on the horizon, in the form of the Covid vaccines, the inoculation programs are rolling out more slowly than planned, and most epidemiologists are predicting that the worst is still in front of us.
Medical experts agree that a major source of the spread of the virus is large indoor social gatherings, particularly when participants ignore social distancing protocols and the wearing of masks.
Unfortunately, just such a gathering occurred in the Agua Caliente Ballroom on December 16, 2020, when over 100 members of the East Valley Republican Women Federated (hereafter, EVRWF) held their monthly luncheon. The group photo of the event clearly shows the women crowded together, virtually none wearing a mask. So egregious were the group’s violations of the Tribe’s own safety guidelines for indoor events that the President of the EVRWF issued a public apology.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 is no respecter of after-the-fact apologies. The next EVRWF luncheon is scheduled for the Agua Caliente Ballroom on February 1st, 2021, when the pandemic will still be raging. Since the EVRWF is strongly opposed to social protocols and government measures designed to contain the pandemic, it is more than reasonable to assume that the Tribe’s guidelines will be ignored again at the next luncheon.
Our concerns over the danger posed by this event, both to the health of the public and your own employees, are exacerbated by the fact that the featured speaker is Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco. Sheriff Bianco is a very high-profile opponent of government-imposed measures to contain and curb coronavirus transmission. Thus, all the ingredients are there for the February luncheon to become a superspreader event.
The EVRWF has already received considerable negative publicity, both on social media and in the press, in conjunction with their December luncheon. This publicity has spilled over to the Tribe, as well.
The clear solution to our health concerns, and to avoid more negative publicity for Agua Caliente and the Tribe, is to simply cancel the event.
We therefore entreat you to bring this matter to the Tribal Council, and ask them to approve the cancellation of the luncheon. The stakes could not be higher.
submitted by lvcv2020 to Riverside [link] [comments]

COVID-infected Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco and Republican Women's group prevented (for now) from spreading their death-breath to hapless Palm Springs casino workers.

Group calls for cancellation of Republican Women luncheon at Agua Caliente casino

Amanda UlrichPalm Springs Desert Sun Published 5:12 p.m. PT Jan 29, 2021 | Updated 9:15 p.m. PT Jan. 29, 2021In December, as Californians first began adjusting to new stay-at-home orders, more than 100 women gathered indoors at a tribal casino in Rancho Mirage. They ate lunch, listened to live entertainment and posed for a sprawling group photo with a sign that read, in all caps: "Stop the Steal."Virtually all attendees were mask-less in the photo, which later circulated on social media.A group of Coachella Valley residents is now concerned that a similar scene — lax social distancing and mask wearing, a big crowd of people gathered inside — will repeat itself next week. The same organization that held December's private event, the East Valley Republican Women Federated, has another luncheon planned for Feb. 1 at Agua Caliente Resort Casino Spa Rancho Mirage.The Republican Women group has held at least five large events at the casino, owned by the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, since September."We're encouraging people to send an email to Agua Caliente and ask that the casino shut down this potential superspreader event," said Robert McCann, the organizer behind a Facebook group called Stop the Meal. "Because with that amount of people, they go home to their families, back to the community, and they spread it."Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, an open opponent to the state's recent pandemic-related shutdowns, was also scheduled to be a guest speaker at the Feb. 1 event. This week, however, he announced that he and his family tested positive for coronavirus. Bianco previously said he had "zero worry of the virus" and that his "immune system is firing on all cylinders." .
Bianco confirmed to The Desert Sun that he will still be under quarantine next Monday, and will not be able to speak at the meeting.
Terry Applegate, a Cathedral City resident, said the goal of canceling next week's event isn't about singling out one group; though she doesn't agree with the politics of the Republican Women organization, she says, no group should be gathering indoors right now. ...
submitted by Asleep_Macaron_5153 to InlandEmpire [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Barr's DOJ shut down investigations of Trump and admin officials

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.


On Saturday, Trump announced on Twitter that he has put his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in charge of his campaign's long-shot post-election legal challenges. Other people on the team include Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis.
  • Giuliani worked with a Russian agent to smear Biden. diGenova and Toensing tried to get the Justice Department to drop charges against corrupt Ukraine oligarch Dmytro Firtash. Powell represents Michael Flynn and champions "deep state" conspiracies. Ellis said gay marriage leads to pedophilia.
NYT: Mr. Trump turned to Mr. Giuliani earlier on Friday in reaction to the latest setback he faced in court, this one relating to votes in Maricopa County, Arizona… A half-dozen other Trump advisers have described Mr. Giuliani’s efforts as counterproductive and said that he was giving the president unwarranted optimism about what could happen… In an Oval Office meeting with aides on Thursday, Mr. Trump put Mr. Giuliani on speakerphone so the others could hear him. He angrily accused the aides of not telling the president the truth
Giuliani’s conspiracy-riddled rant at Four Seasons Total Landscaping was so disastrous that it “scared off many of the lawyers” recruited to argue election-related lawsuits. Politico: “Campaign officials described the episode as disastrous...there are widespread concerns within Trumpworld and GOP circles that Giuliani’s antics are thwarting the president’s legal machinery from within.”
Two major law firms have withdrawn from Trump campaign cases as his legal challenges crumble. Arizona’s largest law firm Snell & Wilmer dumped the RNC and Trump campaign effort to challenge votes in Maricopa County. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur is abandoning Trump’s attempt to block Pennsylvania's popular vote for Joe Biden.
  • In one day (Friday), nine cases meant to attack President-elect Joe Biden's win in key states were denied or dropped - seven in Pennsylvania, one in Arizona, and one in Michigan.
The new federal chief information security officer, Camilo Sandoval, has already taken leave from his day job to participate in a pro-Trump effort to hunt for evidence of voter fraud in the battleground states. The group, Voter Integrity Fund, is a newly formed Virginia-based group that is analyzing ballot data and cold-calling voters. Sandoval was officially appointed on Nov. 4, 2020, but lists his starting date at October on his personal LinkedIn page.
WaPo: Sandoval is part of a hastily convened team led by Matthew Braynard, a data specialist who worked on Trump’s 2016 campaign. Another participant is Thomas Baptiste, an adviser to the deputy secretary of the Interior Department who also took a leave to work on the project. Braynard said in an interview that several other government officials on leave are also assisting the effort, but he declined to identify them.
Media’s role:
  • Facebook Cut Traffic To Leading Liberal Pages Just Before The Election: Liberal page administrators who spoke with BuzzFeed News said that their reach declined by as much as 70%, and still hasn’t recovered.
  • Facebook Live Spread Election Conspiracies And Russian State-Controlled Content Despite Employee Fears: The social network’s live video tool has recommended videos featuring misinformation and the hyperpartisan views of Trump allies leading up to and following election day in the US.
  • In the week after the election, Trump’s postings dominated Facebook, accounting for the 10 most engaged status updates in the United States, and 22 of the top 25. “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” was his top post.
  • YouTube Is Doing Very Little to Stop Election Misinformation From Spreading
  • Social media app Parler receives financial backing from conservative hedge-fund investor Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, The Wall Street Journal reported. Parler turned into a kind of de facto home for conservatives’ protests against the election— including the persistent “Stop the Steal” campaign— after the race was called for former Vice President Joe Biden. Several high-profile conservative social media personalities encouraged people to abandon Twitter and Facebook because of their moderation policies, and instead follow them on Parler.


Emily Murphy, the head of the General Services Administration, still hasn’t signed the official letter that would allow the incoming Biden team to formally begin the transition. House Democrats are assessing options to force the GSA’s hand, which could include summoning Murphy to the Hill to testify or suing her. “Obviously, Congress could file suit against the GSA administrator for failing to do her duty. We could seek to get a court to, in fact, issue an order
Her ascertainment is the legally necessary precursor to the government’s assistance to the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Team. It releases $6.3 million dollars to the team, which is funded by public and private money; a loan of expanded federal office space and equipment; access to government agencies that will begin sharing information and records about ongoing activities, plans and vulnerabilities; national security briefings for the president; and other support.
  • The Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently confirmed that it is not providing national security briefings to the president-elect. The Defense Department has also reportedly indicated that it will not meet with the Biden-Harris transition team until Murphy formally affirms the apparent winner.
One of the officials fired in Trump’s latest purge was helping prepare for the transition to the new administration. USAID Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick was removed abruptly to make way for a Trump loyalist after she had been supportive of transition planning, including the preparation of a 440-page manual for the next administration.
The GSA’s refusal to enact the transition has locked Biden’s team out of crucial Covid-19 pandemic data and government agency contacts. The president-elect’s Covid-19 task force has been trying to work around the federal government by connecting with governors and the health community.
  • The head of Operation Warp Speed, Moncef Slaoui, called on the White House to allow contact with the Biden team, saying “It is a matter of life and death for thousands of people.”
White House’s Office of Management and Budget is considering 145 new regulations and other policy changes they could enact before Biden’s inauguration - rules that will be challenging to undo once they are finalized. Critics and supporters of the administration say they expect a final burst of regulations to be finalized in the weeks before Jan. 20.
The rules under development include policies that the incoming Biden administration would probably oppose, such as new caps on the length of foreign student visas; restrictions on the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of scientific research; limits on the EPA’s consideration of the benefits of regulating air pollutants; and a change that would make it easier for companies to treat workers as independent contractors, rather than employees with more robust wage protections.
Last week, both Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said they’re preparing for a second Trump term. “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said during a news conference Tuesday afternoon (clip). Pompeo then doubled down on Fox News (clip). “We are moving forward here at the White House under the assumption there will be a second Trump term,” Navarro said on Fox Business Friday (clip).

DOJ interference

Attorney General William Barr stopped career prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section from investigating whether President Trump broke any laws related to his conduct with Ukraine last year. The section was initially given the green light to pursue “a potentially explosive inquiry” into Trump, but after the Senate acquitted the president during impeachment proceedings, Barr sent the case to the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn.
Prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section were also prevented from bringing charges against former interior secretary Ryan Zinke by political appointees atop the Justice Department. Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told prosecutors that they needed to gather more evidence and refine the case against Zinke for lying to Interior investigators.
  • The investigation into Zinke stemmed from his decision to block two Native American tribes—the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan—from opening a casino in Connecticut. Zinke’s office had been lobbied heavily by MGM Resorts International, which had been planning to open its own casino very close to where the tribes intended to break ground.
Sixteen assistant U.S. attorneys specially assigned to monitor malfeasance in the 2020 election urged Barr on Friday to rescind his memo allowing election-fraud investigations before results are certified. "It was developed and announced without consulting non-partisan career professionals in the field and at the Department. Finally, the timing of the Memorandum's release thrusts career prosecutors into partisan politics," the prosecutors wrote.
An internal Justice Department investigation found that federal prosecutors who oversaw a controversial non-prosecution deal with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 exercised “poor judgment” but did not break the law. “They just say he used poor judgment, and that's their way of basically letting everyone off the hook while offering some sort of an olive branch to the victims that we acknowledge weren't treated perfectly,” said Brad Edwards, who sued the DOJ in 2008 on behalf of Epstein accusers.

Immigration news

Eastern District of New York Judge Nicholas Garaufis (Clinton-appointee) ruled that Chad Wolf was not legally serving as acting Homeland Security secretary when he signed rules limiting DACA program applications and renewals. Therefore, in a win for Dreamers and immigration activists, Garaufis said the changes were invalid.
The judge described an illegitimate shuffling of leadership chairs at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency responsible for immigration enforcement, for the predicament of Wolf's leadership and that of his predecessor, Kevin McAleenan.
"Based on the plain text of the operative order of succession," Garaufis wrote in the Saturday ruling, "neither Mr. McAleenan nor, in turn, Mr. Wolf, possessed statutory authority to serve as Acting Secretary. Therefore the Wolf Memorandum was not an exercise of legal authority."
  • There's a renewed push to get Chad Wolf confirmed as Homeland Security secretary -- a position in which he's been serving in an acting capacity for a yearr -- before Inauguration Day. In the past week, Homeland Security officials spoke to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office about bringing the nomination to a floor vote in the coming weeks.
Within the last six months, as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the US, the Trump administration filed 75 lawsuits to seize private land along the US-Mexico border for the border wall." People right now are having to choose between their health and their homes," said Ricky Garza, a staff attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, a legal advocacy group.
After a series of price increases, Trump’s border project will cost taxpayers $20 million per mile of border fence. A review of federal spending data shows more than 200 contract modifications, at times awarded within just weeks or months after the original contracts, have increased the cost of the border wall project by billions of dollars since late 2017.
DHS has expelled unaccompanied immigrant children from the US border more than 13,000 times since March, using the coronavirus as an excuse to deny children their right to asylum. Previously, unaccompanied children were sent to government-run shelters as they attempted to pursue their asylum cases.
Migrant children from Central America are being expelled to Mexico, where they have no family connections. The expulsions not only put children in danger - the policy violates a diplomatic agreement with Mexico that only Mexican children and others who had adult supervision could be pushed back into Mexico after attempting to cross the border.
The House Judiciary Committee released a report on the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border, revealing that the federal agency that cares for migrant children was not told about the policy. The chaos contributed to the inability to later reunite parents and children.
The Trump administration is trying to deport several women who allege they were mistreated by a Georgia gynecologist at an immigration detention center. Hours after one detained woman spoke to federal investigators about forced hysterectomies at a Georgia detention center, she said ICE told her that it had lifted a hold on her deportation and she faced “imminent” removal. Six former patients who complained about Dr. Mahendra Amin had already been deported.
Northern District of Illinois Judge Gary Feinerman (Obama-appointee) blocked a key Trump administration policy that allowed officials to deny green cards to immigrants who might need public assistance Advocates who had feared that the policy would harm tens of thousands of poor people, particularly those affected by widespread job loss because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Microsoft said it has detected attempts by state-backed Russian and North Korean hackers to steal valuable data from leading pharmaceutical companies and vaccine researchers. “Among the targets, the majority are vaccine makers that have COVID-19 vaccines in various stages of clinical trials.”
Two census takers told The AP that their supervisors pressured them to enter false information into a computer system about homes they had not visited so they could close cases during the waning days of the once-a-decade national headcount.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday signaled it’s unlikely to tear down Obamacare over a Republican-backed lawsuit challenging the landmark health care law. Chief Justice John Roberts and Trump appointee Justice Brett Kavanaugh strongly questioned whether the elimination of the mandate penalty made the rest of the law invalid. Kavanaugh appeared to signal on several occasions that he favored leaving the rest of the law intact if the mandate is struck.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) was sued last week by four whistleblowers claiming that he abused his office to benefit himself, a woman with whom he was said to have had an affair, and the wealthy donor who employs her before retaliating against the members of his staff who reported him to the FBI.
The Trump administration is rushing plans to auction drilling rights in the U.S. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the inauguration of Biden, who has vowed to block oil exploration in the rugged Alaska wilderness. Biden’s efforts could be complicated if the Trump administration sells drilling rights first. Formally issued oil and gas leases on federal land are government contracts that can’t be easily yanked.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

COVID-infected RIV Sheriff Chode Bianco & mask-hole Repug women's group prevented (for now) from spewing their death-breath of casino workers.

Group calls for cancellation of Republican Women luncheon at Agua Caliente casino

Amanda UlrichPalm Springs Desert Sun Published 5:12 p.m. PT Jan 29, 2021 | Updated 9:15 p.m. PT Jan. 29, 2021
In December, as Californians first began adjusting to new stay-at-home orders, more than 100 women gathered indoors at a tribal casino in Rancho Mirage. They ate lunch, listened to live entertainment and posed for a sprawling group photo with a sign that read, in all caps: "Stop the Steal."Virtually all attendees were mask-less in the photo, which later circulated on social media.A group of Coachella Valley residents is now concerned that a similar scene — lax social distancing and mask wearing, a big crowd of people gathered inside — will repeat itself next week.
The same organization that held December's private event, the East Valley Republican Women Federated, has another luncheon planned for Feb. 1 at Agua Caliente Resort Casino Spa Rancho Mirage.
The Republican Women group has held at least five large events at the casino, owned by the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, since September."We're encouraging people to send an email to Agua Caliente and ask that the casino shut down this potential superspreader event," said Robert McCann, the organizer behind a Facebook group called Stop the Meal.
"Because with that amount of people, they go home to their families, back to the community, and they spread it."Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, an open opponent to the state's recent pandemic-related shutdowns, was also scheduled to be a guest speaker at the Feb. 1 event. This week, however, he announced that he and his family tested positive for coronavirus. Bianco previously said he had "zero worry of the virus" and that his "immune system is firing on all cylinders."

Bianco confirmed to The Desert Sun that he will still be under quarantine next Monday, and will not be able to speak at the meeting.
Terry Applegate, a Cathedral City resident, said the goal of canceling next week's event isn't about singling out one group; though she doesn't agree with the politics of the Republican Women organization, she says, no group should be gathering indoors right now. ...
submitted by Asleep_Macaron_5153 to Riverside [link] [comments]

Missing and Murdered Indigenous...Men? Why are there so many missing men and boys from the Yakama reservation? Part 2 of 2.

Missing and murdered indigenous people
If you have spent any time reading about true crime, you probably know that American Indian/ Native American women go missing from the United States and Canada at alarming rates. On some reservations, women experience violence and are victims of homicide at 10x the rate of women in other communities.
But what about men and boys? Missing and murdered Indigenous boys and men are the forgotten group of this epidemic of violence on tribal land and many families are aching to see the cases of their missing/murdered male loved ones solved. Just like with the missing women, men and boys are going missing at an alarming rate on tribal land, but race is not the only factor. Men (and women) of all ethnicities who live on the Yakama reservation are missing and murdered at disturbing rates.
Missing and murdered indigenous people is a complex issue with prejudice and jurisdictional issues playing major roles. If you want to know more about the root of these issues, I suggest “Missing and Murdered” podcast by Indigenous Canadian journalist Connie Walker, who explains the issues much better than I ever could; that podcast is linked below.
Today, I want to highlight the stories of some of these men and boys, specifically those missing from the Yakama community. Because there are so many missing people who are practically unknown, I have decided to profile the cases of ALL the men and boys missing from the reservation, regardless of race.
This is a companion piece to another write up I completed about missing women and girls from the Yakama reservation. That write up can be found here. If some sections sound similar that is probably why.
Washington state is home to the fifth largest Indian reservation in the United States, the Yakama reservation, which is home to the Klickitat, Palus, Wallawalla, Wenatchi, Whishram, Wanapum, and Yakama people. According to the US Census Bureau, only the Osage, Puyallup (also in Washington state), Navajo, and Choctaw reservations are more populous. The Yakama reservation is located in South Central Washington state, just south of the city of Yakima. Of the 31,000 people who lived on the reservation, 11,000 are enrolled tribal members. Most people who live on the reservation claim Hispanic/Latino, white, or mixed-race descent, but Hispanic is by far the most common ethnic group. There are also small Filipino, Japanese, and Korean communities nearby. The Yakama reservation is located just south of the town of Yakima, Washington, a large farming community of 100,000 people. Apples, cherries, peaches, pears, grapes, and hops are all grown in the dry surrounding region. Harvest time brings thousands of migrant workers to the area, so the population is always in flux.
Outside of Yakima is the town of Union Gap (Pop. 8000), which is partially on the reservation, and partially off it. There are two other proper towns on reservation, Toppenish (pop. 8000) and Wapato (pop. 5000). Other small communities such as Satus, Harrah, White Swan, and Granger all boast several hundred residents each. All in all, the Yakama nation consists of 2,200 square miles of sprawling, rural land stretching from south central Washington nearly to the Oregon border. But from this unassuming patch of high desert and grassland, more than 30 Native women have gone missing/were murdered. If we add Native men to the equation, the number jumps to nearly 40 unsolved disappearances, deaths, and murders. If we add the deaths and disappearances of non-native people missing from the reservation, the number grows yet again.
Although the land is vast, the tribal population is small. From my estimates over .5% of native people on the reservation are missing or murdered. Like many tribal communities, unemployment and poverty is common, appropriate housing is scare, and according to the tribal council "disregard for the rule of law and general civil unrest" as well as gun violence and substance abuse is common. In 2019 a curfew was instated after a particularly bad shooting.
According to the Washington State Patrol, the Yakama nation has the highest percentage of missing people of any Native community in the state, even though they are not the most populous. The FBI created a task force in 2009 to investigate the possibility of serial killer among the Yakama, but the investigation determined that a serial killer was unlikely, but not impossible. This was because the causes of death were so different from victim to victim. The investigation did close 2 cases on the reservation after DNA on both women linked them to a man serving life in an Oregon prison, but the man is not believed to be responsible for any other crimes in the inquiry.
Whether a serial killer is loose on tribal land or not, this issue is complex and long standing and demonstrates how much substance abuse, domestic violence, accidents, and random crime affect the native communities in this county at 10x the rate of other communities. Some progress has been made such as state bill 2951 which allows Washington state authorities to track cases and help investigate and search for missing individuals on tribal land. Because tribal lands are usually under federal jurisdiction, state authorities previously were not able to help, despite being more familiar with the area than the FBI. This is only one small step in the right direction and although awareness is growing, the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous people will not simply go away.
Many people have heard of this epidemic, but few know the names of the victims; today it is time to change that. Below are the profiles of 20 men and boys who are missing, murdered, or who have suffered mysterious deaths. For some of the individuals very little information is available. The list below is not necessarily complete. If you know of other unsolved cases let me know in the comments below.
Quick guide: Yakima- large town near, but not on, the reservation
Yakama- the tribe and people group
NOTE: all cases organized most to least recent. In order to be profiled the cases in this piece must have some connection to the Yakama Indian reservation. This could mean those who lived on the reservation, were last seen on the reservation, are believed to be missing within the confines of reservation, or are of Yakama heritage by birth. Hope that makes sense.
Bernard Schieber, 86, of Yakima has not been seen since Aug. 8, 2019, when he left his home in the 2500 block of South 84th Avenue in Yakima. His black, full-size Chevrolet pickup was found a few weeks later in a closed portion of the Yakama Nation reservation. It appears to have been parked normally and not crashed or damaged. When he left his home in the city of Yakima, Bernard had only ¼ tank of gas and no money. He suffers from dementia. Bernard is described as a white male with blue eyes and gray hair. He weighs 190 lbs. and stands 5’ 11” tall. Anyone with any information about Schieber is asked to call the Yakima County Sheriff's Office at 509-574-2500. He is still missing.
Josiah “Jo” Michael Hilderbrand aged 25 and his friend 47-year-old Jon Joseph Cleary left southern California in early June 2020 to travel to a Grateful Dead concert at The Gorge a venue in Washington state. Both men were traveling together in a light blue 2004 Honda Civic hybrid when they were last heard from on June 7th, 2019. On June 8th their abandoned burned out car was found 8 miles west of Toppenish in a deserted, rural area of the reservation. The FBI has stated they believe the men are dead but they are officially listed as missing.
Josiah Hilderbrand is described as white male, age 25, with light brown wavy hair and blue eyes. He is 5’8” and 165 lbs. He has a neck tattoo. Jon Cleary is a white male, 47 years old, and 6’3” in height weighing 230 lbs. He has brown/gray hair and beard and brown eyes. He usually wears a baseball cap.
Remains found August 5th, 2020 near Toppenish may belong to the men. The FBI is handling the case as the men were found on tribal land. The families are offering $35,000 for information that can solve the murders. Even if the remains are those of the “Dead Heads” the crimes of their deaths remain unsolved.
Strangely enough Hilderbrand and Cleary died on the same day that a mass shooting occurred in White Swan where two men, Donovan Quinn Carter Cloud and James Dean Cloud, killed five people. The shooters have been convicted in that crime and some have speculated that both crimes are related. This mass shooting was the crime that inspired that reservation-wide curfew to be put into effect.
Elias Chief Culps, 25, was last seen in White Swan on Dec. 27, 2018 and has not been heard from since. In 2015 Elias was a witness in a court case about unreasonable searches and seizures and whose jurisdiction should be involved when fugitives are found on tribal land- the outcome of that case is unknown. There is little information available about Elias’ disappearance. Those with information are asked to call the Yakama Nation Police Department at 509-865-2933, case number 19-009167. He is described as a Native American male, 5’6”-5’7” in height and 150-170 lbs. He has brown hair and eyes and a tattoo on his neck.
Jose Francisco Canales a 43-year-old father of 7 children was last heard from on July 7, 2018 in Harrah, Washington where he resided with his wife of nineteen years. He was last seen at La Guadalupana (a store in Harrah) on July 6, 2018 where he cashed his paycheck. The next day, July 7th, he called his boss to report that he would not be coming into work that day. This was the last time anyone saw or heard from Canales. He is described as a Hispanic male, 5’7” or 5’8” in height and 145 lbs. with brown hair and eyes. He has a scar on his left hand about 1” in length and a tattoo of a heart on his right arm/shoulder area. He was last seen wearing along-sleeved t-shirt (possibly green), blue jeans, brown sneakers and a blue baseball cap. He has a receding hairline and some gray hairs in his beard. Canales may be driving a gray 1994 Ford Ranger single cab pickup truck with the Washington license plate number B53351T. There may be a green 2018 Polaris 450HO four-wheeler in the bed of the truck; it has the vehicle identification number (VIN) 4XASEA509JA252860. Canales's case remains unsolved.
Rolando Gabriel "Gabby" Gutierrez, of Mabton has been missing since Sept. 16, 2017. The 44-year-old was the oldest of six siblings and was close to his family. When his family last heard from him, Gutierrez was in Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, a Mexican fishing and resort city on the Gulf of California. He was staying in the area and had weekly phone contact with his family. Gabby was planning to come home for his niece’s birthday in October, but he never made it. One of his sisters worried that Gabby was “wrapped up” in the drug trade. In November 2019, forensic scientists in the Mexican state of Sonora announced that they had recovered 52 bodies and skeletons from a mass grave near Puerto Peñasco. Gabby’s family told an Associated Press reporter that they thought there might be a chance his body was among them, but this is not known for certain. Rolando “Gabby” Gutierrez is described as either a Hispanic or a mixed race (Caucasian/ Hispanic) male who is 5’10” in height and weights 180-260 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes but he shaves his head. He also has a zodiac cancer symbol tattooed on his arm and has pierced nipples. There is currently a go fund me for Gabby’s family so one of his siblings can travel to Mexico to give their DNA for comparison. Mexican authorities are investigating this case.
Kristopher Fowler, 34, was last seen Oct. 12, 2016. Fowler, affectionately known as "Sherpa" and “Kris” was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and had started at the border with Mexico with a goal of completing the 2,800-mile trek to the Canadian border. He was last seen in the White Pass area only a few hundred miles from his destination. Kris was last seen at a convenience store in very rural Yakima county. Kris is described as a white male, 6’2” and 165 lbs. He has blonde hair and beard and blue eyes. He is believed to be lost in the wilderness. His step mother still hopes the body can be recovered some day. Those with information should call the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office at 509-574-2500.
Joseph Eric Miranda Jr., 24, has been missing from Granger since May 26, 2016. Reports say Joseph went to his bedroom on May 26, 2016 around 10:30 pm after talking with his father. His mother went to check on him in the morning but he was nowhere to be found. She last saw him late on the evening of May 25, 2016 and initially thought he had gone on a walk never returned. It is unclear if Miranda and his wife also lived at the house with his parents or if he was only staying there. According to one source, Miranda left his wife a note that said he “wouldn’t be seeing her for a while.” Miranda had a bank card and a cellphone with him when he disappeared, but because the cellphone was a government issued phone (a burner phone maybe?) it cannot be pinged. His bank card was last used on May 25th to buy a soda at a gas station and it has never been used again. He left his keys and his car at his parent’s home. There has been some activity on Miranda’s social security card but it is unknown if the user is Miranda or an identity thief. Joseph’s favorite movie is a 2014 film called Wild, about a girl who hikes through the wilderness of the Pacific Crest trail. His family worries he embarked on a similar journey and either got lost of met with foul play. They ask that if Joseph is out there to please contact them so that they know he is alive and well.
Joseph is described as a Hispanic male, 5’7” or 5”8 and 180-195 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. Miranda had long hair and a beard at the time of his disappearance and usually wore his hair long but occasionally cut it very short. He wears prescription eyeglasses with silver frames. He has a strawberry birthmark on his chest and a small mole on his upper lip. When last seen he was wearing multi colored swim trunks, a green long-sleeved shirt and superman flip flops. He often wears flip flops, his Rx glasses, and bandanas or hats on his head. If you have seen Miranda or have information please called the Granger PD at 509-854-2656.
Chad Nathan Stotz-Gomez, 36 of Union Gap, drifted between homeless camps at the time of his disappearance, but talked to his mother and other family members regularly. He was last seen on July 10th 2015. He has not been seen or heard from since. Some believe that this case is connected to the case of Cody Turner (details below). The same day Stotz-Gomez disappeared, there was shooting at a homeless camp between Yakima and Selah, Washington. The victim, a 36-year-old woman, was injured but the victim has not cooperated with law enforcement and no arrests have been made. Police found Stotz-Gomez's DNA at the shooting scene. Some have speculated that the shooting is connected to the November 2015 murder of Norma Emmerson, who was shot in the head outside East Selah, Washington. Some reports say Norma had information about a homicide committed by her ex-boyfriend, Raven Cutler. Cutler ultimately pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Cutler told Cody Turner's mother he'd seen Cody Turner (case below) and Stotz-Gomez together in downtown Yakima, but his information has not been verified. Other witnesses believe that the two men, Turner and Stotz-Gomez, knew each other casually and believe that their disappearances must be related.
In the past Stotz-Gomez has lived in New York and Montana and he may have traveled there. At the time of his disappearance, was required to check in weekly with the police. Stotz-Gomez is described as a Hispanic or mixed-race Hispanic/Caucasian male, 5’9” and 180-190 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes and usually wears a beard. He has the following tattoos: barbed wire on his upper left arm, a skull with wings on his right arm, the letters "SUR" on one hand, the number 13 on the other hand, and a small cholo face on his chest. If you have any information please contact the Yakima County Sheriff's Office 509-574-2550.
Cody Turner, 24, was last seen July 26, 2015, in Yakima leaving the home he shared with his father and grandparents. Cody had been gone that day with his dog Ariel but arrived at the home in the evening where he ate, showered, and picked up some cigarettes before leaving the house again. He had his cellphone on him but since July 28th, 2015 the phone has gone straight to voicemail. According to some sources Cody was homeless at the time of his disappearance but according to others he lived at his grandparent’s house with his father. Cody has a history of meth usage and his family believes he was using at the time of his disappearance. Despite his drug use, Cody’s family said he usually returned home every evening and talked to his family daily. He does not have a history of dropping out of sight or being out of touch with his family.
Cody is described as a white male 5'5 - 5'7, 150 - 170 pounds. He has sandy colored hair and green eyes. He keeps his hair very short and tidy. He sometimes wears facial hair (a goatee and mustache) which he keeps short. Turner's nickname is Cooter. He has two scars, one on his left wrist and one on his abdomen. His ears and tongue are pierced, but he had stopped wearing his earrings and tongue ring prior to his disappearance. Turner has the following tattoos: the name "Natilie" with flames and barbed wire on his right bicep, three skulls with swords going through them on his left bicep, and a tribal stamp on the inside of his upper left arm. Turner has previously fractured his left foot and he smokes cigarettes. His case may be connected to Chad- Stotz Gomez’s case which is why it is included in this piece, even though he has no connection to the reservation.
Justin Lee McConville has been missing from Toppenish since sometime in January 2015. He was 24 years old at the time and was last seen on the Yakama reservation, but often travels to Oregon and fishes along the Columbia River. Some sources say he is nomadic and had no permanent address but others say he lives in Toppenish. Justin is described as a Native American male with long brown hair which he wears in a pony tail and brown eyes. McConville has a half-sleeve tattoo of a Native American man, Chief Joseph, on his upper right arm. He also has a tattoo of a tribal fishing design on his left arm and a tattoo of a Native American design on his back. He is 6’0”-6’2” and weights 165 lbs. Yakama Tribal Police are investigating. They can be reached at 509-865-2933.
Anthony “Tony” Peters, also known as Anthony Colfax Peters, 56, was last seen in October 2014 at Legends Casino in Toppenish. According to his sister, Peters was homeless at the time, living with relatives or friends or elsewhere when necessary, but he regularly talked to his family and friends. According to his sister, Alfrieda, Tony like many homeless individuals had a complicated life. His temper sometimes got him into trouble, but eventually he always came around. His sister remembers him as a natural born artist who did powwow dancing, beadwork, and drawing for fun. He was also a good singer. In the past, he has been known to travel to other nearby reservations such as the Umatilla or Warm Springs. He has also been known to travel to Seattle. He would drop out of sight from time to time, but never for more than a few weeks.
Tony is described as a Native American male with black hair and brown eyes. Peter’s nickname is Tony, and he may use the name Anthony Colfax Peters. He has an overlapped front tooth and one front tooth is missing. He is 5’6” and his weight fluctuates regularly. His missing person case remains open with the Yakama Nation Police Department, number 15-006132.
Roland Elton Woodall Sconawah a Yakama by birth was last seen in either Lyle or Dallesport Washington in November, 2013. Both communities lie on the Columbia river in Klickitat county in what was once the land of the Yakama people. Tribal members have fishing rights in the area even though it is not technically on the reservation. This is where Roland was last seen. The 23-year-old was somewhat transient. He went missing under unclear circumstances. Roland is described as a Native American male with brown eyes and black hair. He stands at 5'6 - 5'8, and weighs 140 - 160 pounds. He is sometimes referred to as Roland Sconawah Sam. Klickitat county sheriff’s office 509-773-4545, is investigating.
Ira Kennedy Yallup Sr. was last seen at the Lone Pine fishing site near The Dalles, OR. in May 2010. His family has offered a $1,000 reward for information about his whereabouts. He is a Native male in his 50s with black hair. No other vital statistics are available and he does not even have a Charley Project page. Yakama tribal police are investigating.
Francisco Javier Mendoza was 27 years old when he was last seen in the early morning hours of June 8th 1994 leaving a 7-11 convenience store in Toppenish. Francisco was with two friends at the time. Later that morning, the three friends were outside of Toppenish when their car broke down. Francisco apparently went walking in the direction of town in order to get help and vanished into the night. He has never been seen again. Few details are available and his friends’ story is considered suspicious. Francisco is described as a Hispanic male, 5’5” in height weighing 160 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. Mendoza may have a mustache, beard or a goatee. Some agencies may spell his first name "Franciso." He was wearing a white tank top, shorts and sneakers when he was last seen. Toppenish police are investigating, 509-865-4355.
Lawrence Jay "Larry" Riegel, 57 of Yakima worked as a carpenter and contract pilot before breaking four vertebrae, and injury that left him disabled. Right before going missing Larry had a surgery on his neck and some sources claim he was in a neck brace. Unable to work, Riegel was collecting disability. The last contact anyone had with Larry took place on Christmas day, 2009. He contacted several relatives and friends including a call to his mother to thank her for some clothes she bought him for the holiday. He was supposed to join his family in Yakima for a belated Christmas dinner on Dec. 26, 2009, but he never showed up or called. Riegel’s family described him as a “chatty Cathy” who talked to just about anyone and had daily phone contact with his friends and family. Riegel’s last phone call took place at approximately 5:30 pm on Christmas day. It is believed that the call was made to Riegel’s tenants who rented a farm from him in Union Gap, a town on the reservation. His tenants owed him $3000 in back rent.
Riegel lived with his girlfriend, Ladena Mann before he went missing. Mann claimed that the couple argued on Christmas day and Riegel left the home presumably to go see his tenants. She also claimed that Riegel assaulted her either on Christmas day or on January 4th before disappearing. When Mann tried to report this assault weeks later, she was unable because she had no injuries or proof of violence. Mann used Riegel’s money and EBT card after he disappeared as well as applied for her own EBT card claiming she still lived with Larry. Mann was charged with welfare fraud and perjury, but charges were dropped when she paid back the money and entered a diversion program. In one media interview she claimed that Larry is still alive and that he has “contacted several people” since going missing. She thinks Larry is residing in Idaho or Montana and has accused his family of knowing where he is. Ladena Mann is a person of interest in Larry’s disappearance as are his tenants, the last known people to have spoken to him. Riegel’s family is offering a $25,000 for information in the homicide investigation that leads to his remains. They have billboards all over the Yakima valley asking for information. Larry’s mother, aged 90, still drives around rural areas searching for his body.
Riegel is described as a white male with gray hair, a gray mustache, and hazel eyes. He is 6’2” and weights 200 lbs. He has surgical scars on his left knee and a prominent vertical scar on his neck from recent surgery to fix four broken vertebrae. He often wears eyeglasses and he has a limp in his left leg. He is also an alcoholic who frequented neighborhood bars. Yakima Police Department Yakima Police Department (509-576-6573) is investigating.
Donnie Sampson, 71, a well-known religious leader, had been serving for eight years on the Tribal Council’s Code of Ethics Committee when he disappeared in the fall of 1994 while hunting elk about 45 miles west of White Swan, near Mt. Adams. Donnie had a heart problem and had been prescribed nitroglycerin as a result. Right before his disappearance, he told his daughter that he (and the ethics committee) “was getting into something that’s going to make everybody mad.” He even went so far to tell her that he would be “making enemies” and that she and the community would hear about his findings soon enough. He had been investigating rumors of corruption in the tribal council and the housing authority before he went missing, but other committee members refused to elaborate on the matter.
Donnie’s truck was found Oct. 30, 1994, in the foothills of Mount Adams by volunteer searchers, but searchers found no trace of Sampson. His nitroglycerin, lunch, clothing and three rifles were found in his truck. A fourth rifle he left home with disappeared with him. Donnie’s children say tribal police has done little to investigate the disappearance, which they believe is a result of foul play. For example, his children were never interviewed and his truck was found by volunteers, not official search and rescue. Tribal authorities believe that the elderly Sampson simply got lost while hunting. There are no photos or description of Donnie Sampson available. He does not even have a Charley Project page. Tribal police are investigating.
Roland Jack Spencer III disappeared in late May 1984. He was 3 years old when last seen in the area of Knight Lane and Campbell Road in Wapato, although some sources say he was last seen in Toppenish. Roland is presumed to have been abducted by a non-family member, when he was in the yard. Curiously, Roland’s mother died under suspicious circumstances several years earlier (her case is featured in my previous write up). After her death Roland moved in with his great-aunt. Roland is described as a 3-year-old Native American male, with black hair and brown eyes. Roland has a scar on his abdomen. His nickname is Do-Boy and he may go by his middle name, Jack. Roland has some severe medical issues and disabilities. One website explains that Roland experienced brain damage in the womb which lead to his medical issues. Despite his hardships, he was a happy child who loved playing with cars. He is classified as mentally disabled, hard of hearing, and suffers from epilepsy. He takes medication to control his condition and may fall into a coma without it. He can only walk a few steps at a time and has very limited vocabulary and speaking skills. He was last seen wearing corduroy pants, a long sleeved red and white shirt, and tan boots. His was declared legally dead in 2000. Yakama tribal police are investigating, (509) 865-2933.
Darryl Keith Celestine of Zillah, was murdered Sept. 25, 1988, in Wapato. He was found strangled outside his home. Darryl, a Yakama, was only 22 years old at the time. His murder is unsolved. Very little information is available.
What happened to these men? Why are so many people missing from such a sparsely populated area?
These sources are a good place to start.
The Charley Project and NAMUS
If you are interested in this issue as a whole, I suggest this podcast by Canadian journalist Connie Walker who explains and dives deeply into the issues discussed in the piece. You can listen to the podcast Missing and Murdered here:,in%20British%20Columbia%20in%201989.
If you are interested in the cases of other missing Native Americans, my write ups on the Teekah Lewis and Bryce Herda cases can be found here on my reddit profile.
submitted by Quirky-Motor to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Dope stalk my finsta and follow my car ok cool this is f i n e

(Part 6ish of CasinoBeard) Hello friends! I have finally returned with part 6 of the CasinoBeard Saga. Sorry it’s been taking like. A week to finally get to writing these but I have a decently busy life (full time job and trade school and pets and a workout/5K schedule and a boyfriend and you know. Life stuff.) I apologize for the delays. I’ve been condensing the story’s and only telling the big doozy’s and leaving out all the little times he just said something stupid. So hopefully this is the semifinal? Maybe?
Here are our characters for this tale of woe:
Me: 18 year old girl. First time working a proper night shift. I have some dorky tattoos, look like a punk, and I’m not afraid to speak my mind. And also I live my life online so I have an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and an Instagram page specifically for my pet rabbit (relevant).
CasinoBeard: CB for short. 30something, tall, fat greaseball of a human with no regard for boundaries. Can’t believe a girl likes video games and also doesn’t want him to touch her. Lmao what.
Chad: 20something tall as heck “chad” looking dude. Is aware of CB’s antics , and is slowly becoming my “work husband”
So, this story is a bit of a peculiar one. Mr. Rogers (my shift supervisor) had been doing an amazing job since the cafeteria incident of the last story(for a month or so) and made sure that CB and I were nowhere near each other and made sure we had separate breaks. But I’d see him every now and again and he’d go out of his way to say some stupid shit. Whatever not as bad as him following me at work. To summarize the last story, CB brought his creepy bullshit on me while Mr. Rogers took a shit on our break and I just wanted to eat my mozzarella sticks.
So, as I’ve made painfully obvious, I worked a night shift at this casino. So that meant about midnight to 8am. Something worth noting of this casino is it has absolutely no windows (unless you’re near an exit/entrance) and no clocks at all. So this creates the illusion of an absence of time and the outside world. And therefore it really fucked with me when I went into work and it was dark as hell and then when I leave work it’s sunrise.
To say I was having a hard time adjusting is generous. It was so strange bc at the time I was training for athletic events so I’d go home take a short nap then deal with my fur children and then work out for 4 hours and then nap again and then work. (I mostly did 5k or 10k races for anyone who cared and in general trying to help treat a joint disorder but that’s another can of worms.)
Now. This was my routine. And I don’t know about you but I’m not neurotypical so I damn near have a stroke if my routine is vastly interrupted. You need to give me 3-5 days notice if you want to interrupt my day.
Anyways. Like in a previous story, I was in my bed with my dog, checking my Instagram and shit. My main was aight. Nothing new. Just silently judging everyone else’s life choices bc I’m insecure about mine. Then, I switched over to my rabbits account.
I have two rabbits. One is just small and white with blue eyes and is perfect. So to prevent my main from being overrun with photos of her, I made a separate one. Mostly for friends who actually want to see her and my family who adore her are the only followers.
And as you could have predicted. Guess whomst the fuckdve followed the account.
Our lovely friend, CasinoBeard.
I swear to god his profile pic looked like an old ass MySpace angle with his greasy hair in his face and a fedora.
Now in the last story where he followed one of my accounts, I had an issue with him looking at photos of my dog on there. The first thing at the front of my mind was “he doesn’t DESERVE to see the perfection that is my son.” And then the generic fear of your work stalker making things personal.
Now if you haven’t been following the story closely, I had recently realized that CB is a fat sack of shit but I firmly believe he has the ability and potentially the intent to hurt me. So I had (still have) a slight fear of him hurting me or like. Forcing himself on me.
I digress. The account for my aryan rabbit was public also, and he commented on one of the older posts. And it just. Sounded like something a serial killer would say.
“She looks so helpless <3”
ExCuEsE mE bUt WhAt ThE fUcK
Now that fear of him hurting me stabbed me in my heart and twisted into a fear of him hurting the only things that matter to me. Fuck no.
I wasn’t shaking or anything. But you know when you’re about to cry and your eyes are extra moist and the back of your throat starts to clench and hurt? It was that feeling. Just utter helplessness.
I deleted the comment and blocked him from that profile too.
I got up and scooped her off of the floor where she was sleeping and just held her for a while. I was too hyped for First Nap. I went about my day as usual but I was still being tugged at by such an uncomfortable feeling. I had told my mom, who I live with, that a coworker was stalking me and showed her a screenshot of the inappropriate comment (if I can find it I will post it but after I quit I erased all physical evidence of his debauchery.) She was understanding and everyone in the house to this DAY makes sure the house is always locked and replaced all the windows with safety glass that sounds like a gunshot when it’s broken. We resorted to a security system near the end but, that’s for another story.
Fast forward!! It’s 11 o’clock. I took the back roads to get to work because my car was utter shit. It wouldn’t go above 50mph or go uphill without losing speed. I had crashed my car into a bus (not my fault) so the front looked like a fucking nightmare. What I’m trying to say is my car was very very easily identifiable.
I’m putting on my jacket and sharing the last of my dinner with my dog. She legit only wakes up to eat whatever I don’t and then passes back out in front of the radiator. I opened my front door to be blasted in the face by New England winter cold in the middle of the night. My car sputtered as I started it, one of the headlights refused to turn on but eventually started blinking into existence.
Took the back route that goes basically directly from my house to the road leading to the casino. But it was about 35 minutes opposed to a quit 15 minutes on the highway that my car would be unable to make.
Now. Imagine it. It’s the backwoods of fucking New England at 11:10 pm at night. It’s like. 3°f and it’s a week day. You’d think the roads would be relatively empty, right?
Yeah bich I wish.
I drove down a massive hill that takes you through a smaller town and then to the empty woods the road goes through. Someone was behind me. Two little headlights attached to a white car. They looked like they were going r e a l l y fast. Like this is a residential area so the speed limit was 35 but this motherfucker was whipping it down this icy ass fucking hill. I was secretly hoping they would rear end me so I could sue and also not have to go to work. But dreams never come true.
It was a double yellow line. This dude passed me and flung down the road. Okay you do you man I just wanna go make my money. About 5 minutes later, I’m at a stop light near a gas station. The light turns green and my car starts to chug forwards. Someone whips out of the gas station and has his brights on. Guess where this motherfucker just HAS TO BE. like maybe 3 inches behind my rear.
Whatever. Just a jackass with somewhere important to be at 11:15 pm. Pass me bitch.
But. He didn’t.
The whole ride I was maintaining maybe a solid 40mph but this dude was right behind me. We get to a broken yellow line but. They’re still there.
Okay whatever. I was maybe 2 miles from the nearest town and it would be suburbs and small city road for the rest of the drive. Maybe they just. Really liked to look at the back of my head.
We finally make it to where there are a shitload of houses and I was hoping this dude would turn off on one of the side streets. But nah. Right one my ass. With his brights on. Well, what a better time to do a break check than now?
I tap my breaks a couple times in a town, slowing back down. This bitch. Honked at me.
Well y’all should know me well enough by now I rolled down the window and let the bird fall victim to the fucking freezing dry air.
He starts flashing his lights.
Oh god. It was the same car as before, speeding down the hill.
Well. With his lights flashing. I could vaguely make out a head the size of a manhole cover. With the same reflective golden shine on his chest that my name tag has.
He followed me. From BASICALLY my house, and he’s following me to work.
This is also the night that my car was pushed to its limits. I slammed the gas and my car hissed and screamed at me but eventually I was going faster. I know these roads by heart so I was easily whipping around corners and shit. His car was struggling to keep up. Why was he trying to keep up??
I finally made it to the parking lot.
I pulled into the “public lot” that was basically an overfill lot for patrons. I park my car as close to the cross walk as I could. My blood was boiling. I was going. To shit myself. In anger.
He parks a row behind me and jumps out of his car, screaming.
“Why were you driving like such a fucking psychopath?!” He was screaming.
“What was your ass following me from home you fucking retard?!!!” Sorry for the slur but like. I was in the moment.
The employee center thing was right across the street. People were standing outside, waiting for the shuttle, and three of them took off in a run over to us.
“Why does it fucking matter you could have gotten me killed!” He was screaming. He normally gross spongey voice was bellowing like a fucking lion with brain damage.
Chad and two others showed up. “What the fuck is going on here!” One of them tried to scream over us.
I was borderline tears. Chad grabbed my arm and basically had to fireman carry me to the employment office area. CB was still over there, screaming. I was going insane. He followed me. From my house. And has the nerve to try and gaslight me saying it was my fault? (Worth noting I found out this guy lives maybe 10 miles in the other direction from the casino so he actively went out of his way to find me. It was impossible to be a coincidence.)
We made it into the office. He sat me down on one of the chairs but I was going insane. Screaming about how he had followed me and that I was quitting.
One of the other people inside had called tribal police. While I was going off apparently CB and the other two guys were stopped by tribal police and brought to the main casino for questioning. One of the guys was aware of his creepy antics and said that CB was trying to run me off the road. I mean close enough.
An officer walked into the office where I was still losing my shit. They attempted to calm me down but it ended with me throwing my name tag and badge on the floor and screaming I quit and another officer had to come help calm me down.
I eventually relaxed a little bit. The drive Chad and I to the main casino, where the tribal police station was. I r e f u s e d to be within 100 feet of him so we had to use an empty conference room for my “interrogation.”
I’m going to drastically shorten what happened here to save us all the time. I told police about his weird comment on my insta and some of his past behavior and even THEY AGREED much like a lot of you that CB should have been fired. Or at least reprimanded. I firmly believe if we worked day shift he would have been fired already. Night shift doesn’t care.
I told them everything about my car ride. And then I was told via radio what CB’s story was. Basically I was driving like a maniac and wouldn’t let him pass me on the road. Literally suggesting my piece of shit car could have kept up with his car going uphill. Okay seems accurate.
My mom ended up having to pick me up. I was in hysterics (and my car wouldn’t start. It had to be towed and scrapped and I blame him for this. If he hadn’t chased me my car wouldn’t have broken down completely.)And you guys will never guess what happened! Because I quit the fucking upper level management people in the security department didn’t do a fucking thing to him. He went back to work that very night. I had my mom bring a change of clothes so I could immediately return my uniform. It took me that long to quit. But I did. Finally.
And that’s the end. Lmao bet nope this fucker couldn’t leave me alone.
I went home and was hysterically crying. My mom said tomorrow we were going to the police station to file a restraining order. But that didn’t make me feel much better. So I did what every self respecting teenager does that night. I smoked a bunch of weed and called up my best guy friend and cried and made him spend the night.
Now. There is still the last final bit. I’m sure a lot of you will love the ending but to answer some questions he never gets fired.
The final will be probably really long , so expect it in about a week. I love you all, peace my dudes.
Edit: some grammar and whatever
Also just wanna say thanks for coming on this journey with me. I appreciate every view and every comment and try to answer any questions. So feel free to ask any on this or previous posts ;* I have an epilogue prepared to say how my life is now, how chad is doing, and an update on CB.
And I’m thinking once this is over maybe every now and then I’ll post some of the other stories about CB that I just didn’t think were groundbreaking to include in any of these longer posts. Let me know if that’s something you’d like :)
Double edit: pm me for my rabbits instagram lmao
submitted by _typhoid_mary to neckbeardstories [link] [comments]

Rebook The Miz vs Shane McMahon Feud - Part 2

Post Wrestlemania 35
The Miz is seen backstage talking to Kurt Angle with the WWE Championship over his shoulder, dressed in a custom made suit. A Special MizTV is advertised to celebrate Miz’s big victory.

The Miz makes his way out to the ring, he takes in the appreciation from the audience as they chant “You deserve it” tears begin to form in his eyes. He exits the ring and walks up to Maryse who is sitting in the front row and invites her to join him in the ring with their daughter. He takes his child from her and then holds the ropes open for Maryse so she can get in.

The Miz takes the microphone and says that everything he has done in his life has been leading to this moment, and at Wrestlemania was the culmination of it all. After Mania he feels like he is in a place where he can be a good influence for his children and make them proud. And now that he’s put the issues with Daniel Bryan behind him he can get on with his life and his career, going in a more positive direction now. He says that he wants to fight as the WWE Champion that not only the WWE Universe deserves, but the kind of Champion that his family deserves. The locker room files out onto the stage to congratulate The Miz and in a show of respect Miz bows to the roster, saying that he doesn’t deserve this any more than they do, they’ve survived under the tyranny of Shane McMahon trying to push his own agenda, but now, hopefully the future is bright for everyone. The Miz applauds the roster standing on the stage.

The next week is the Superstar Shakeup, Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley are the big trades to Smackdown. The Revival also move to SD.

Kurt Angle allows The Miz to select any member of the Smackdown roster to be his opponent at Money in the Bank. The Miz thanks Kurt for allowing him to give an opportunity to a guy who has impressed immensely since arriving on Smackdown, and at Money in the Bank he wants to face Mustafa Ali for the WWE Championship.

The match is made official, and the next week, Ali approaches Miz and shows his appreciation for the opportunity and the two men shake hands. The Miz tells Ali how much he respects him, and says that Ali is genuinely someone who he looks up to when he thinks about the kind of person he wants to be for his kids, and at Money in the Bank he hopes to tear the house down together, all for the top prize in WWE.

On the go home show Mustafa Ali and The Miz are put in a tag team match against The Revival, during the match there is a slight miscommunication between Miz and Ali which causes Ali to be pinned by Shane Dawson. Miz and Ali have a staredown which has some tension between the two, but they once again shake hands showing that they still want to have a fair fight.

Money in the Bank
The Miz and Mustafa Ali have a fun back and forth affair, with both men getting their chance to shine throughout. This match would be treated as Ali’s true breakout performance, showing how much of a star he really is. The crowd are torn on who to root for so it’s split pretty evenly. After about 17 minutes The Miz does manage to hit a Skull Crushing Finale to finally score the victory. After the match The Miz helps Ali back to his feet and raises his hand, putting him over as a main event worthy competitor.

The MITB contract is won by Sami Zayn.

The WWE returns to Saudi Arabia and a new No. 1 Contender to Miz’s WWE Championship needs to be found, in a Battle Royal on Smackdown, featuring many of the top stars from Smackdown. Aleister Black being the only competitor that needs to not be involved. The match is eventually won by Rey Mysterio after he last eliminates Bobby Lashley. Mysterio and Miz are set to go one on one at Super ShowDown.

Super ShowDown
The Miz vs Rey Mysterio ends up being a good match that goes back and forth for about 15 minutes, since the match is on a Saudi show it’s pretty inconsequential and The Miz ends up scoring the victory after a Skull Crushing Finale.

Post SSD
The Miz has now scored two successful retentions of the WWE Championship, the reign is off to a good start and he comes out to talk about what comes next. But he’s interrupted by Andrade and Zelina Vega, they want a shot at The Miz’s WWE Championship at Stomping Grounds. Before Miz can even answer their challenge, Kevin Owens comes out and says that he wants that opportunity, and he deserves that opportunity. The Miz says both guys are great and an argument could be made for both men having the opportunity, but he wants to fight the best of the best, the people who truly deserve an opportunity at the title. So…

EC3’s music plays and he walks out, claiming he has a message from Shane McMahon that he just received while he was backstage. He says that Shane has been sitting back at home ever since The Miz threw him off the stage, and he’s left Kurt to make his decisions, but this is where he needs to step in, so he’s making the match at Stomping Grounds official, it will be a Triple Threat Match, The Miz vs Kevin Owens vs Andrade for the WWE Championship. All three men look pissed off to about Shane McMahon finding a way to interject himself into their business, but Andrade and Owens are still pleased to be getting a WWE Championship match. EC3 just stares at Miz with a smug look on his face.

Later in the show, Miz storms into Angle’s office and asks if this is even allowed to happen, and asks if he is actually facing Kevin Owens and Andrade in a Triple Threat match. Kurt Angle apologetically says that it is true, Shane just called him as EC3 was out there and told him about his decision, and since he is still the commissioner he technically can still do that. Over the next few weeks, Shane starts to be making decisions from afar more and more, causing a lot of the roster to become annoyed and despise their place of work.

Stomping Grounds
The Miz, Kevin Owens and Andrade tear the roof off with quick paced action, ending up all over the ringside area. Towards the end of the match, EC3 makes an appearance to try and take out The Miz, but when he gets on the apron, his Mania opponent from months prior, Kevin Owens superkicks him off the apron, and then hits a Tope Con Hilo. Meanwhile Andrade goes for the Hammerlock DDT but Miz reverses and slips behind and hits the Skull Crushing Finale to retain the WWE Championship.

Post Stomping Grounds
The Miz has had enough and calls out EC3, but gets no answer, instead who else but Kevin Owens would make his way down to the ring. He demands another shot at the WWE Championship after The Miz “stole” the win on Sunday. The Miz says he didn’t steal the win, but he’s more than happy to give Kevin Owens another shot. Kevin Owens says great, because he wants to fight Miz tonight. Angle makes the match official for the Main Event.

The Miz manages to successfully defend the WWE Championship against Kevin Owens in the main event of the evening, EC3 spends the match on commentary trash talking both competitors saying he’s better than both of them. After the match is done, Kevin Owens still doesn’t look happy with The Miz and then EC3 attacks him from behind, Kevin Owens gets up and looks like he’s about to attack EC3 and save The Miz. EC3 turns to KO who squares up looking like he’s going to fight EC3, EC3 just tells Owens to get out of here, and that this doesn’t concern him. After contemplating it, Owens just walks away. EC3 turns back to Miz and removes his suit jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. He lfts Miz’s head up and lays into him with punches, he then rolls out the ring and gets a chair before sliding back in and setting it up. He then hits a Headlock Driver to Miz through the Chair. Leaving The Miz laying, he picks up the WWE Championship, raising it above his head.

The next week, The Miz once again calls out EC3, but he gets no response, The Miz then decides to just trash talk EC3 calling him Shane’s lackey and nothing more than a messenger. He says that EC3 calls himself the Top One Percent yet has to resort to an attack from behind rather than stepping in the ring like a man and fighting him 1 on 1. He then ends it by coming to the conclusion that EC3 is afraid to compete against Miz because he doesn’t want the world to realise that he’s not worthy of the main event.

Later in the show we see EC3 backstage on the phone to Shane McMahon. He is told something by Shane to which he replies saying that he doesn’t understand why that guy should get a title shot. We then hear a sound coming from the otherside of the phone, EC3 moves the phone away from his ear and he simply says fine.

After the commercial break he comes down to the ring, he gets on the microphone and says he has received a phone call from Shane McMahon where he decided who The Miz’s opponent will be at Extreme Rules. He then goes to say who it is but hesitates, he then looks around with a look of contemplation on his face. He then lifts the microphone back up to his mouth and says that The Miz’s opponent for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules is…. EC3. A smug smile crosses his face and he leaves the ring.

On the go home show we find out that EC3 wasn’t actually the person who was supposed to be facing The Miz at Extreme Rules, but EC3 tells Shane over the phone that he’s the best man for the job, and that he can be trusted to end The Miz’s title reign.

Later in the night, The Miz is once again in the ring to call out EC3, and once again it goes unanswered, The Miz is fed up at this point and decides that he’s going to go backstage and find EC3. He makes his way up the ramp and through the curtain, he asks everyone he passes if they’ve seen EC3, but no one has, when The Miz gets to the Parking Lot he sees EC3 entering a limo and runs up to it but just as he gets near the limo it speeds off. The Miz is left in the Parking Lot with revenge still in his mind, but he has to wait till Sunday.

On Friday, the official WWE Twitter account post that Kurt Angle has made the WWE Championship match a Falls Count Anywhere Match by request of the Champion himself.

On the pre show, Miz is interviewed and he says that unlike on Tuesday, tonight EC3 won’t be able to escape because wherever he goes, Miz will follow, the match could end up across town in a nightclub for all he cares, EC3 won’t get away from the ass kicking that is coming his way.

EC3 makes his way down to the ring first looking confident as all hell, and when The Miz’s music plays, he doesn’t come out right away, EC3 motions for The Miz to get out here. And then the crowd pop when The Miz walks out from backstage with a shopping cart filled with weapons to use. EC3’s face falls as he sees this, he assumed they’d just end up having a more regular match despite the Falls Count Anywhere Rules. EC3 slides out the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp but The Miz rams the shopping cart into EC3. he then takes a kendo stick from out of the cart and whacks it across the back of EC3. The bell is rung and the match is officially underway. The Miz smacks the kendo stick across the back of EC3 once again, and continues again and again until the stick is broken in half. EC3 starts to crawl away and uses the barricade to hold himself up, back next to the ring, The Miz pulls a Steel Chair out from under the ring and goes to smash EC3 in the head but he kicks Miz in the gut which causes him to drop it behind him. EC3 goes to climb over the barricade to get away from Miz but he grabs EC3’s tights and pulls him back over, sending him head first into the ring post. Miz goes back to the shopping cart and picks up the lid of a trash can and goes back over to EC3 and smashes it on the back of EC3.

EC3 is about to be hit again when he low blows The Miz, he takes the opportunity to cover The Miz, but isn’t able to get the win. EC3 throws Miz over the announce table, and then throws him into the apron back first. He looks under the ring apron and finds a metal bat, he smashes it into the ribs of The Miz who clutches at his ribs in pain. EC3 walks a few paces away as he processes what to do next, but when he turns back, The Miz tackles him to the ground and starts laying into him with the punches, EC3 is trying desperately to crawl away and block the punches, eventually managing to slip away and escape. He jogs away as fast as he can, but Miz manages to catch him and throws him into the ring post again, and then attempting to set his head up next to the post and smash a Steel Chair into it. EC3 gets out the way before he can do that and instead hits another low blow, he does exactly what Miz tried to do and is successful, he goes to pin but then stops, he looks to have realised something, he picks Miz up and throws him into the now cleared out cart. He pushes Miz up the ramp and takes him backstage. When Miz begins to stir he would stop and attack him more until he stopped. He brings The Miz to a staircase, where he positions the cart so that it’s facing the stairway, but his ego messes up his plans as he goes to talk trash to Miz before pushing the cart down the stairs, only for Miz to have pulled a pair of brass knuckles from his trunks and punching EC3.

Miz clambers out of the cart and falls onto EC3, the referee counts the pin but EC3 somehow kicks out. Miz looks to continue the punishment and drags EC3 to the nearby Parking Garage and drags him over to one of the parked cars, opens the door and positions EC3’s leg in the door, but he gets his leg out the way in time. He gets the advantage against Miz and pushes him away before climbing into the passenger side of the car, attempting to climb over into the drivers side, Miz grabs his leg and tries to drag him out, but he pushes Miz away with his foot and gets in the car driving away. The Miz stops a car that is coming into the parking lot and forces the man out of the car, he gets in the car and the referee quickly climbs into the back seat too, and speeds away after EC3. Commentary are left confused and say that they will keep the audience updated if anything else occurs and they can give some answers and more information. The show moves along for now with the Raw Women’s Championship match up next.

But first, there is an interview with The Revival who vow to win the Smackdown Tag Team Championships tonight. After the interview is over we see a clip of a high speed chase between The Miz and EC3 on the highway.

After the Raw Women’s Championship match we find out that The Miz and EC3 stopped at SugarHouse Casino EC3 has found refuge in a private room that he is paying good money for. The camera cuts to EC3 sitting in his private room with a drink, looking smug thinking he’s gotten away with it, and we then see The Miz’s perspective where he’s asking which room EC3 is currently in but they aren’t allowed to give away that information. Miz decided he will just check every room, he knocks on one door, and a middle aged man answers the door, Miz apologises for bothering him. He knocks on the next door and a woman answers she tries to pull Miz into the room but he stops her and tells her he’s married, she straight away slams the door in his face. Miz then goes to a third door and knocks, but no answer, he then steps back and kicks the door in. EC3 is sitting in the room with his drink and when Miz approaches him he smashes the glass over Miz’s head but it does very little damage. Miz throws him around the room, eventually going out onto the balcony and throwing EC3 into the spa. EC3 is all soaked and Miz drags him out of the spa, hits a Skull Crushing Finale on the concrete and covers him to finally get the 3 and retain the WWE Championship.

Post Extreme Rules
The Tuesday after Extreme Rules, The Miz comes out looking very banged up from Extreme Rules. He takes a microphone and says that now he’s taken out all of the people trying to hold him back he can focus on his Championship reign again. He then asks Kurt Angle to join him in the ring and tell him who he will be facing at Summerslam. Kurt Angle invites out Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley, he says to Miz that he wanted to give him a fresh opponent for Summerslam. And because of that reason, Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley will face off, right here, right now and the winner will challenge him for the title come Summerslam.

Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns have a back and forth, hard hitting match which takes them to their limits. This isn’t the kind of match you usually expect to see on TV, both men are able to put on some very good matches, and they both give this match their all. In the end though, Bobby Lashley is able to put Roman Reigns away to everyone’s surprise, most expecting Roman to win here. So at Summerslam it will be, The Miz vs Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship.

After the match, Bobby Lashley looks to hit another Spear to Reigns as he sets him up, but Miz who was sitting on commentary slides in the ring and hits a Dropkick into the corner which sends Lashley crashing over the top rope. He is back on his feet but stands by the ramp looking at Miz, defeated. The Miz turns back to Roman to see if he’s ok, and Lashley sprints back in and when Miz turns around again Spears him. He then ends up hitting another Spear on Reigns too for good measure.

In the following weeks, Bobby Lashley gets a sit down interview and he talks about his time in WWE over a decade ago, his time away from WWE and his return, discussing what it means for him to be here getting a WWE Championship match in the Main Event of Summerslam. How winning the title at Summerslam would mean everything to him, and he will stop at nothing to make that happen.

On the go home show they have the contract signing, this signing doesn’t end in violence, but rather ends with a simple stare down between the Champion and the challenger. Miz offers a handshake to Lashley, but he just looks at Miz and scoffs before walking away. The contract has been signed and the match is on.

Bobby Lashley makes his way out first and stands in the ring looking confident, The Miz makes his way down to the ring next, he looks confident himself too and looks like a million bucks. The two men stand face to face as the bell rings, Lashley takes the advantage quickly managing to back Miz into the corner and drives his shoulder into Miz’s abdomen repeatedly. Because of the power advantage Miz struggles to gain control and gets thrown around the ring. Towards the end of the match, The Miz has managed to gain control and the match has been slightly more back and forth with Lashley getting the majority of the offence. Miz gets him in a precarious position and looks to hit the Skull Crushing Finale when EC3 comes through the crowd and gets the attention of The Miz. Lashley pushes The Miz from behind and sends him crashing into the referee and knocking him to the outside. EC3 and Lashley begin to beat down The Miz, hitting him with a Headlock Driver and then a Spear. EC3 then gets the referee back in the ring and Lashley covers The Miz, the referee counts the 1… 2… 3.

Bobby Lashley is the new WWE Champion, he raises the WWE Championship high but then drops it and lifts Miz up for a Dominator. EC3 enters the ring once again and puts Miz on his knees facing the entrance. Then Shane McMahon’s music plays and he walks onto the stage with an eruption of boos from the crowd. Shane enters the ring and grabs Miz by the hair, screaming at him. He then lays into Miz with a bunch of punches before telling EC3 and Lashley to hold Miz in place for him as he hits the Coast to Coast to Miz. A horrible ending to the match, and a horrible ending to Miz’s title reign at the orders of Shane McMahon. The show cuts away and continues with the next match of the night.

Post Summerslam
The Tuesday after Summerslam, Shane McMahon is in the ring with EC3 and he introduces the new WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley, down to the ring. He introduces a brand new WWE Championship for him as we head into this new era in Smackdown with the FOX debut coming up. Shane McMahon says that he could not be more thankful for the services of Bobby Lashley as he handled that pest The Miz. he says that The Miz is out of their hair and will not be getting another WWE Championship match in his time with WWE, if he has anything to say about it.

The King of the Ring Tournament is announced, and the participants are announced as being, the 8 from Smackdown: The Miz, Kevin Owens, Buddy Murphy, Mustafa Ali, Andrade, Shinsuke Nakamura, Rusev and Chad Gable. And for Raw: Samoa Joe, Cesaro, Ricochet, Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, Cedric Alexander and AJ Styles.

The Miz defeats Shinsuke Nakamura in the first round, before going up against Buddy Murphy in the second and managing to win once again. In the Semi Finals The Miz manages to beat Chad Gable in a back and forth match with Miz making Gable look like a star.

Meanwhile, Shane McMahon has been using his power to find the “best” opponent for Bobby Lashley at Clash of Champions. That being none other than, Sin Cara.

Clash of Champions
The Miz and Drew McIntyre have a match to determine who will be the King of the Ring, In a match where The Miz comes inches from victory on multiple occasions, McIntyre manages to score the victory with a Future Shock DDT and Claymore Kick.

In the Main Event of the show we see Bobby Lashley vs Sin Cara, Lashley is accompanied by the conniving Shane McMahon and EC3, the three men scoff at Sin Cara as he stands across the ring from Lashley. When the bell rings, Lashley runs across the ring and hits a Spear, he covers Sin Cara, believing the match to be over, but Cara kicks out. Lashley is shocked and Shane gets on the apron to argue with the referee, EC3 tries to get on the apron and attack Sin Cara behind the referees back, but he hits an Enziguri knocking EC3 off the apron. Lashley runs across the ring and goes for a Spear again but Cara jumps over him and then kicks his legs, he manages to hit a Spanish Fly to Lashley and covers him for a 2 count. Sin Cara goes to the top rope and hits a Swanton which connects and Shane is freaking out, he covers Lashley as the referee counts, 1… 2… right as the referees hand is about to hit the mat, Lashley’s shoulder comes up. Sin Cara lifts him up and tries to put him on the second rope, but Lashley clubs his back and pushes him away, when Cara tries to walk back, Lashley hits a second Spear, and then waist for Cara to get back up and hits another for good measure to finally get the 3 count.

After the match, they’re all annoyed that the match didn’t go how they expected it to, ad the fact that Sin Cara put up a fight. Kurt Angle’s music plays as he makes his way out onto the stage, he says that the display these three men have shown tonight, and the way Lashley has acted as Champion has quite honestly been pathetic. And he thinks Lashley needs a challenger that will show if Lashley truly has what it takes to be WWE Champion, on the debut on Smackdown for the FOX Network, Bobby Lashley will defend his WWE Championship against this man…

Kurt Angle motions to the entrance way and Brock Lesnar’s music plays, Brock Lesnar makes his way out from the back and storms down the ramp, Shane looks on in terror, sending EC3 and Lashley to handle him. EC3 is right away thrown aside with a German Suplex, as Lesnar and Lashley face off, the crowd goes crazy. Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar, it will take place on October 4th, live on FOX. Brock Lesnar F-5’s Lashley and then turns his attention to Shane but he rolls out the ring and runs away, Lesnar just looks at the WWE Championship and lifts it up. He throws it to the ground outside the ring next to Lashley, he says “I’m coming for that title October 4th.” The show goes off the air with Lesnar’s first appearance since Wrestlemania setting up his first TV match in 15 years.

Post CoC
The Miz is in Kurt Angle’s office asking for a shot at Lashley’s WWE Championship, but they are cut off when Shane McMahon walks into the room. Shane and Miz have a tense staredown, The Miz proceeds to leave the room and Shane McMahon says that what Kurt Angle has done was completely out of line, he then says that he needs to see Kurt Angle in the ring later that night.

When Shane and Kurt Angle are in the ring, Lashley and EC3 are nowhere to be seen, Shane McMahon says that Angle doesn’t know his place on this show, and he can’t worry about people who don;’t understand how to do their job, therefore, “Kurt Angle, You’re Fired!”

We get to the FOX debut, the WWE Championship match, Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar and it’s a brawl between two massive monsters, a very clear MMA feel accompanies the match with both men looking very evenly matched. The match lasts about 9 minutes and the Brock Lesnar takes firm control, about to end the match, Shane and EC3 shrug at each other from ringside before Shane tells EC3 to get in there, he slides into the ring but Brock Lesnar just German Suplexes him and sends him out of the ring. Shane has his hands on his head, not knowing what to do next, Brock lifts Lashley onto his shoulders and sets up the F-5, screaming at the hard cam and then we just see Brock drop. When the camera shows the full shot, Shane has slid in the ring and low blowed Lesnar, the referee rings the bell and the match ends by DQ.

The 3 men celebrate in the ring, and EC3 and Lashley slide out of the ring, Shane is still celebrating when he bumps into Lesnar who F-5’s Shane before kicking him out of the ring.

At Hell in a Cell, this storyline doesn’t really have a place after what happened on Smackdown.

Shane McMahon is out in the ring with Lashley and EC3 and they are bragging about how they took down the Beast. Shane claims that he is the best Commissioner in all of WWE history, claiming he is the best to ever step in the business. The Miz’s music plays and he walks onto the stage, and he stops, but he doesn’t have a microphone or stop and say anything, he just motions to backstage, and the entirety of Smackdown’s roster files out. Everyone from The Revival to Apollo Crews, Kevin Owens to Carmella. They all surround the ring, a few key players happen to be out there, such as the aforementioned Kevin Owens, but also Andrade, Randy Orton and probably most surprisingly, Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan.

The Miz speaks on the past year of Smackdown, saying that especially in the last year, he has used Smackdown to fuel his own ego and nothing more. And for even longer he has held people back purely due to his personal biases. For examples simply look as far as Kevin Owens. He says that the entire roster have decided that they think Shane isn’t doing his job correctly and a vote of no confidence has been struck between every single one of them. Shane is enraged, saying that this is all The Miz’s fault, saying he’s filled the rosters heads with lies and brainwashed them to turn against him, saying that The Miz is still an evil, snide human who is just looking out for himself and nothing more. He vows to destroy The Miz and tear him down to nothing. The Miz points out that Shane McMahon is doing exactly what he was talking about, holding him back because of the personal bias he has towards him, ever since 1 year ago when he removed Miz from Team Smackdown, he’s been trying to hold Miz back in any way possible. The promo ends with Shane McMahon vs The Miz being set up for Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia. The Miz wants the stipulation to be added that if he wins, Shane is out of power. But Shane says he’s the boss around here, not The Miz, and he says no.

Crown Jewel
The Miz and Shane McMahon go to war for about 10 minutes with Miz seemingly about to win after a mostly one sided match in the Miz’s favour. Other than interferences from EC3 here and there. But then Miz is about to win when Shane low blows Miz, the referee turns to call for the bell, but once again, Shane uses his powers as Commissioner to make the match No DQ. EC3 and Shane beat down The Miz. Rusev makes his way out to save his long time ally. He pulls Shane and EC3 off of The Miz and hits EC3 with a Superkick. When he looks at Shane, Miz is getting to his feet and Rusev turns, hitting The Miz with a Superkick instead and then at the request of Shane locks in the Accolade. He forces Miz to pass out, and then Shane pins his lifeless body to get the 3 count.

Post Crown Jewel
Shane comes out to celebrate finally being done with The Miz, but wasting no time The Miz has other ideas, he comes out with a letter in his hand. He says that the Board of Directors have sent a letter, it states that due to the majority of Smackdown’s roster signing the petition to have Shane McMahon gone from his role as commissioner, they have no choice but to relieve him of his duties, Shane starts to freak out. The Miz stops him and says that he spoke to them on the phone and came to another agreement, that being that at Survivor Series, Shane McMahon will pick 4 people to join him, and he will pick 4 to join him. The two teams will compete in a Survivor Series Elimination Match, if Shane’s team loses, he is out of power. If Shane’s team wins, then The Miz is gone from Smackdown.

Shane still isn’t happy, but he quickly realises he has a pretty impressive team to back him up, they surround The Miz when…

Brock Lesnar was screwed out of the WWE Championship by Shane McMahon, he storms down to the ring, and goes right after Bobby Lashley while Miz goes after Shane. As the numbers amazingly seem to be overwhelming Miz and Brock, Roman Reigns makes his way down to help and the three send Shane and co. into retreat. Roman, Miz and Brock look at each other uneasily, with Brock and Roman having plenty of history, Miz and Roman also having some history from their time on Raw.

The next week, The Miz is backstage taping up his wrists for a match later in the night, when Paul Heyman approaches him saying that Brock Lesnar has agreed to offer his services for the moment due to his issues with Shane and Lashley. But don’t think this means they are allies, they just share a common enemy.

During the show, The Miz approaches Rey Mysterio and asks if he will please join his team, Mysterio is a true legend, and he would be a great addition to the team. Mysterio says he can see the corruption coming from Shane McMahon and he believes that Smackdown is the best place to be for wrestling, but Shane is ruining everything he built in the early 2000’s alongside guys like Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, as well as others. So he agrees to join Miz’s team and fight for Smackdown.

The Miz also gets Andrade to agree to join his team. And his team is filled out.

The next week of Smackdown begins, and about 30 minutes into the show we see a backstage segment where Shane McMahon approaches Andrade, but they shut the door so we don’t know what their conversation is about. But we don’t have to wait long because Andrade and Zelina Vega go right to The Miz and tell him that they can’t fight on his team anymore, when The Miz asks why, they simply say that other opportunities have arisen and they will be busy at Survivor Series. Miz goes into panic mode as next week we are set to see the two teams face off in the ring just 2 nights before they fight for the future of Smackdown.

(And here is where it gets a little over the top and soap opera-esque)

The Miz is stuck for a tag team partner, he asks any and everyone but no one is willing to, seemingly being bribed to not compete at Survivor Series. So The Miz goes to the only person left who he can think of, he knocks on the door to a private locker room, someone opens the door but we don’t see who, instead just seeing The Miz’s face looking solemn, slightly embarrassed even.

The next week, the show is almost over and Shane McMahon makes his way out, revealing that the last member of his team is Andrade. Shane McMahon looks super proud of himself having poached The Miz’s teammate. But then The Miz’s music plays and he makes his way out, followed by Rey Mysterio, and a man he never officially announced, but everyone just assumed anyway, Roman Reigns. Finally Brock Lesnar makes his way out, and the 4 men enter the ring. Shane says to Miz, who else did he find for his “team”. The Miz says that he admittedly took a big hit when Shane stole Andrade from him, but he found someone even better, which angers Andrade slightly. This man has a lot of history with himself, and he doesn’t feel great having to go to this guy as they really don’t get along, but they both realise that Shane needs to go. So my final team mate is… Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan comes out and his music cuts off, Bryan has a microphone and he says that like Mike said, they don’t get along at all, but if there is one thing they can agree on, it’s that Shane McMahon is a tumor that needs to be cut out. And at Survivor Series, surgery is in session as they will remove him from Smackdown and leave Smackdown with a brighter future. Bryan slides in the ring and the two teams face off.

Survivor Series
We reach the Main Event of Survivor Series both teams have made their way down to the ring, the match begins and the action begins right off the bat, Roman starting off the match against Rusev. The match goes with both teams getting their licks in.

EC3 eliminates Rey Mysterio after he goes for a 619 but EC3 catches him into The One Percent. He covers Mysterio for the 3 count.

Next eliminated is Rusev, eliminated by a Spear from Roman Reigns.

Daniel Bryan is tagged in and for the next 7 minutes or so the opposing team take their turns beating him down. Finally, Bryan manages to make a hot tag to Lesnar who clears house Germans for all, and then hits an F-5 to EC3 and eliminate him from the match. But then Lashley gets in and Spears Lesnar which cuts off his momentum, we see Lashley dominate Lesnar for a little bit which puts over his abilities compared to Brock Lesnar.

Shane gets off the apron and stands at ringside watching the match from safety. Andrade is tagged into the match and manages to get the advantage against Miz who gets tagged into the match. Andrade ends up being put in a position where he needs to tag himself in but Lashley is unavailable, he looks to Shane begging him to tag in, Zelina gets in Shane’s face telling him to tag into the match but he consistently refuses, Miz has now tagged in Daniel Bryan who crouches in the corner waiting, when Andrade turns around he hits the Running Knee to Andrade and eliminates him from the match. Once again, Shane McMahon has gotten Andrade eliminated from the match for the second year in a row. Shane McMahon slides into the ring, he runs into Bryan and back him into their corner, Roman tags himself in and Shane quickly backs away.

Lashley gets on the apron and distracts the referee which gives Shane the chance to low blow Roman and roll him up, scoring a 3 count.

Lashley ends up eliminating Bryan a few minutes later, but is then eliminated himself by Brock Lesnar, giving him a claim for the WWE Championship. Lashley once again tries to distract the referee so Shane can take advantage, but it doesn’t succeed as well as it did with Roman, instead just cause Brock to go into The Miz’s corner who tags himself into the match.

The Miz and Shane McMahon, the way it should be, Miz attacks Shane letting out everything that has built up in the past year. He ends up ending the match pretty soon after with a Skull Crushing Finale, ending the reign of terror by Shane McMahon.

The Miz and Lesnar are the sole survivors, after the match, The Miz just looks at Lesnar cautiously, Lesnar attacks him hitting him with an F-5 before motioning that he’s going for the WWE Championship.

The reign of terror is over, and The Miz is free to continue his career without Shane hanging over his head. The direction I’d go after this event is having Shane not appear on TV ever really. Maybe eventually being as regular as Vince or Stephanie and having a match here and there before officially retiring. For The Miz I’d have that F-5 be set up for a match a Royal Rumble where it would be The Miz vs Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship.

EC3 was given something to do, and some might say he looked more like a lackey, which i can see, but I think ultimately this would propel him after Shane is gone where he can truly shine solo now that he has been established as a heel. Bobby Lashley could be a main eventer on Smackdown, and I think he could have a super serious threatening reign, but having him do something similar to his run in IMPACT with MVP is what I was thinking, having Shane there to use his power to assist Lashley while he still looks dominant, with his performance against Lesnar. Daniel Bryan could head towards a face turn, Roman can go on to do whatever he’s going to do. And the rest of Smackdown can have their precious time on TV back from any Shane segments that would usually happen.
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WWE Network Updates: 12/04/2017

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